Board Meeting minutes 06-06-2006

JUNE 6, 2006

Meeting was called to order by President Ray Chicoine at 7:03 pm at the beach member Board Members Present were Ray Chicoine, Michelle Baughman, Scott Tweed, Craig Couture, Phyllis Chicoine and Pat Halpin.

Secretary’s Report: Minutes of the Annual Meeting on May 7, 2006 were handed out, read and accepted with corrections.

No Treasurer’s Report.

Open Discussion:

A property owner on Crestwood Dr. brought pictures of a drainage problem at the end of Crestwood. Ray is going to contact Bill Ross at the town and ask him to create a ditch so the water can run off of the street.

Caroline Paggiolo is going to call Dave Delasandro and tell him to mow the beach area and the ball field

There is an anchor in the ground in front of the bulletin board that needs to be removed Ray will look at it to determine weather it’s CL & P or SBC and ask them to remove it.

It anyone see individuals dumping illegally please call Tim Wells, Director of Public
Works and he will contact the police department.

Board Business:

Ray has contacted Bill Ross, Foreman of the Public Works Dept. He has suggested
we mound loam, and seed it at the bottom of Hickory to make the water run to either side of it, and then put sand on the bottom portion.

There has been a washout at the boat ramp that is in need of repair.

Drainage problem on Laurel between Hickory and Lakeview has been resolved. The town has cleaned all the catch basins and it seems as if that basin does not have a sump,
so the sand over the winter builds up in it. It will be cheaper to pay the town to clean it annually than repair the basin.

Ray has received a letter from the property owner on Echo Dr. regarding the stonewall
he is building he states that it is an existing stonewall that he is adding to.

We have transferred $20,000.00 from our savings account into a 5% CD for 9 months.

Ray is getting estimates to clear trees where there is parking near Juniper. He is also going to contact Neil Waite about the Dry Hydrant.

Next Meeting will be 7/6/06 at 7:00 on the beach.

Meeting adjourned at 7:45 pm.

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Annual Meeting minutes 05-07-2006

MAY 7, 2006-Corrected

Meeting was called to order by President Ray Chicoine at 2:02 pm in the Coventry Town Hall Annex. Board Members present were Ray Chicoine, Herb Anderson, Charlie
Brown, Mike Martin, Phyllis Chicoine, Michelle Baughman, and Pat Halpin.

Secretary’s Report: Minutes of the May 1, 2005 Annual Meeting, June7, 2005 and August 18, 2005 Board of Directors Meeting were handed out, read and accepted.

Treasurer’s Report:   Checking Account    4,686.48
Savings Account    24,842.10

Total                       29,528.58-Treasurers report was accepted

Tax Collectors Report: Total amount of taxes collected was 9,684.30. Three properties
Owe taxes for a total of 1488.47 one has a lien for a total of 1,487.62 the other to are two lots for a total of .82 (which are not cost effective to place liens on them).

Old  Business:

By-Laws-Discussion took place on the implementation of the By-Laws Committee Recommendations from August 24, 2003. Notification of the new By-Laws will be sent out with the July, 2006 Tax Bills and be voted on at the Board of Director August 1, 2006 Meeting.

Beach Improvements:  Soil and sand will be brought in for the beach at the end on Hickory, also for erosion at the jetty at the end of Lakeview Dr.

Association Insurance: Ray is anticipating it rising again this year.

Tree Removal: Rotten tree on Lake Shore Dr near the end of Juniper need to be removed. Ray is receiving quotes for removal

New Business:

Drainage Failure on Laurel Dr. between Hickory and Maple the Town of Coventry stated it would be 7,665.00 if a total drainage replacement was needed.  Mike Martin and Ray Chicoine are going to talk to Bill Ross at the Town Public Works. The drainage was done when the sewers were put in, it could possibly be a Town problem not the associations.

Birch Road Encroachment an abutting property owner on Echo Drive is making a stone wall on paper road Birch. Ray will contact Town officials and ask them to tell property owner to remover the wall.

A Member of the Association asked us to contact the Public Works Department for a new sign that says Lakeview Dr. not Lakeview Terrace and a change in sign in Waterfront Manor to the correct name Lakeview Park Dr.

Michelle asked that new benches be purchased if not all the money is spent on beach improvements.

Ray is going to contact Bill Ross the Building Inspector and ask that garbage be removed from town property on Juniper and Laurel.

Beach clean up will be Saturday May 20, 2006 at 10 am

Next Board Meeting will be June 6, 2006 7:00 pm on the beach.

Election of Officer:
Caroline Paggiolo as resigned as treasurer. Herb Anderson and Mike Martin were reelected as board member. James Scott Tweed was elected as a new member. Michelle Baughman will be treasurer.

Meeting was adjourned at 3:37pm.

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