Board Meeting minutes 07-14-2009
JULY 14, 2009
Special Meeting of July 7, 2009 was postponed to due rain, until July 14, 2009.
Meeting was called to order at 7:06 pm at the beach by President Ray Chicoine Board Members present were Pat Halpin, Mike Martin, Christina Pierce and Scott Tweed.
Roll Call of Board Members took place.
Secretary’s Report: Minutes of the June 2, 2009 Board Meeting were handed out, read and accepted.
Treasurer’s Report: Balance in Checking .Account as of 7/7/07: 2,391.08, Savings Account: 4,175.43, CD’s 14,878.96
Tax Collector: No Report
New Business: This Meeting was called for the discussion and association vote on the sale of the paper roads
The paper roads are Birch Tr. which runs from South Street to the beach, and paper roads that run from Juniper Dr. to Birch Tr. (6). The corner of Birch Tr. and Lakeshore Dr. at the beach would not be sold.
Ray Chicoine has met with Attorney Rappe and the attorney stated that if the paper roads were sold per our By-Laws any association member would still have the rite of passage on them.
Gary Klambt stated he has a tape recording that in the 1990’s at a Board Meeting that the roads could not be sold unless 75 % of the property owners were present. Ray Chicoine has asked for a copy of this tape.
Discussion ensued. It was decided to take a Straw vote on the sale.
20 No Votes, 9 Yes Votes and 1 Abstention
Mary Elsemore proposed that the board spend no more time on the paper roads.
Other New Business: Derrick Pierce Security Chairperson has proposed new beach passes to hang on the rearview mirror for next year.
Old Business:
Jay Gyngell stated that there is still a drainage issue on Crestwood Dr.
We need 2 easements 1 on Laurel between Hickory & Maple the other on Juniper at Groveland.
Meeting was adjourned at 8:13 pm.
Posted in Meeting Minutes by p.halpin with no comments yet.