Board Meeting minutes 09-10-2013

Lakeview Terrace Association, Inc
Board Meeting
September 10, 2013

Meeting was called to order by President Mike Martin at the beach  6:03 pm  Board members present were Bob Allison, Pat Halpin, Christina Pierce, Michelle Pierce, and Marcia Roy. Jacob Plourde a LTA Member and CHS Student also attended.

Roll call of Board Members took place.

Treasurer’s Report: Checking Account Balance $15,612.18, Savings Account Balance $292.52, CD Balance $15,457.59 Total $31, 262.29

Tax Collector’s Report: 2012-2013 Tax collected $11, 705.56, Prior years Taxes, Interest & Liens $345.50 Total Collected $12,151.06

Secretary’s Report: Minutes of the August 12, 2013 Board Meeting were handed out, read and accepted with corrections.

Old Business:
•    Handrail to beach at end of Lakeview-Tabled to 3024 Budget
•    Guardrail at the end of Lakeview Dr. was repaired cost of $600.00
•    Gaurdino Property Christina to drop Paperwork off at Attorney Rappe Office.
•    Goose Repellant-Michelle to check out shelf life and contact Marcia regarding when to purchase it (this fall or in the spring).
•    Ball Field was mowed by Juan $10.00 to be paid.
•    Mike Martin to install hoop with Jacob Plourde
•    Christina to pick up locks for boat ramp & shed.
•    Picnic Tables-Bob Allison contacted Windham Tech if we supply the material they will make at the cost of labor is $18.00/hr.
•    We received a cancelation notice on LTA Insurance Marcia has contacted the insurance company and it is now in force.

New Business:
•    Another key is need for the Post Office Box money to come out of Office Expense if not there transfer from Beach Funds to Office Expense
•    Sunday September 15 at 11:00 am we will be removing the buoys, docks and stacking the picnic tables.
•    H & M Paving has quoted $6,000.00 to chip and seal Lakeshore Dr. approximately 1000 feet long and 5 feet wide filling all the holes. We have $2,675.00 in the road account and will transfer to the road account $400.00 from the Guardrail $425.00 Mowing and $1,000.00 from Beach for a total of $4500.00 We will have them start between Hickory and Lakeview Dr. and work out from there.
•    Jacob Plourde needs 10 hours of community service for a course at CHS. He is will to donate is time to improve Lakeview Terrace.860-742-
•    Thursday October 17th 6:30 pm at Mike Martins to discuss State Marshall to collect delinquent taxes.
•    2014-2015 Budget Meeting Sunday February 16, 2014 2 Mike Martins
•    Things to discuss at Annual Meeting Sand at beach and raft.

Meeting adjourned 7:15 pm

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Board Meeting 09-10-2013 6 P.M.

Board Meeting
Lakeview Terrace Association Inc.
September 10, 2013
6:00 pm

Call to Order

Roll Call

Treasurer’s Report

Secretary’s Report

Tax Collector’s Report

Old Business
•    Handrail to beach at end of Lakeview Dr.-Tabled
•    Guardrail at end of Lakeview Dr. Mike Martin to fix. Ray Chicoine to get quote to replace for 2014-2015 Budget
•    Guardino Property Christine to contact Attorney Rappe
•    Goose Repellant
•    Payment for Mowing of Beach and Ball Field
•    Hoop at Ball Field
•    New Locks for Boat Ramp &Shed at the Ball Field
•    Any other old business as appropriate

New Business:
•    Any new business as appropriate


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