Board Meeting minutes 06-23-2008

JUNE 23, 2008

Meeting was called to order at 7:05 pm by Sean Butler, President. Board member present were Andrea Bagnall, Ray Chicoine, Pat Halpin, Mike Martin, Kendall Schiavi and Charlie Brown-Tax Collector.

Roll call of Board Members took place.

Treasurer’s Report: Balance in checking account as of June 23, 2008 $3,590.94. Approximate amount in saving account is $9000.00 and in CD’s $16,000.00.

Secretary’s Report: Minutes of the June 9, 2008 Board Meeting were handed out, read and accepted.

Tax Collector’s Report: Taxes collected 2007- 2008 $8,800.90 fourteen properties still owe for a total of $981.48. Liens will be placed on these properties.

Audience Forum: A new Basketball Hoop needs to be purchased for the ball field.

Old Business:

1)    The ditch on Laurel between Lakeview & Juniper has been filled with stone, The swale between the Martin and Chicoine properties on Juniper need to be worked on, along with the drainage between Hickory and Maple. Expenditures for road work as of June 18, 2008 $2,149.25 we will be eligible for matching funds from the Town of Coventry.
2)    A check needs to be issued to Denis McElwaine for $50.00 to purchase the chains and the locks we use on the picnic table
3)    Social committee has organized a Tag Sale and a Pot Luck Supper that was rained out.

New Business:

1) Paper Roads Committee: Mike Martin, Chairmen Charlie Brown, Ray Chicoine,                  Ron Nadeau and Derrick Pierce (816-8626)

2) Boat Owners Committee has proposed purchasing 2 sections of a floating dock 16’ X 3’ that when bolted together will form a “T” , that would allow boat owner to load and unload. These docks would not be used for mooring boats. The cost would be $4,505.00 plus freight. A special General Meeting will be held on July 14, 2008 at 7:00 pm at the beach to vote on this. Notices will be mailed 14 days in advance.

3)    Waterfront Committee: Kyle Bagnall, Ray Chicoine, Mike Martin and Scott Tweed

4)    Security Committee: Kevin Martin first Meeting July 7 at 6:30 on the beach

5)    Clean Up Committee: Kendall Schiavi will chair.

2008-2009 Budget: Proposed Budget; 12,715.00 which will be 1 Mill.

Next Meeting is Schedule for July 14, 2008 at 7:00pm at the beach.

Meeting was adjourned at 8:18pm

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