Greetings, Lakeview Terrace Residents

The weather may have discouraged our board members and residents, from attending our monthly, summer meeting, on September 11th, at 6 PM.   I wish to report, the rain held off, long enough, for a meeting at the lake.  However, for the first time in a very long time, less than the required, four LVTA board members, were present.  A formal meeting could not take place.  Therefore, here is a brief report of our association's happenings, since our last meeting.    

Each LVTA board member, and the LVTA Tax Collector, has electronically received a copy of the LVTA Treasurer's Report for August. I ask each board member to carefully look over each report, and contact our treasurer if they have any questions.   

There are no urgent matters for the LVTA board to consider at this time.  

To the residents of our neighborhood:   THANK YOU for your prompt property tax payments, with the increased mil rate.  The LVTA board has done its best to keep the cost of maintaining our neighborhood lake frontage and park, to as low as possible.  All of us, you, me, own Lake Shore Drive, too, which we are obligated to maintain.  

It is the association's mandate to save money, in order to cover the costs involved with the repaving of Lake Shore Drive.  The road has now been patched, but that will only hold for an undetermined length of time.  All catch basins on Lake Shore Drive have been rebuilt, repaired, or accessed as in good condition; that's great.  The LVTA board will update the project's status at our annual meeting, in May.    

Our next official meeting of the Lakeview Terrace Association, will be our annual meeting, on May 5th, 2024, at 2 PM, to be held at our lakefront.    

LVTA News:  

Our Fall Cleanup is this Sunday, September 17th, at 10 AM.  The cleanup goes quickly, with help. Please feel free to volunteer for your neighborhood, and enjoy the view of Coventry Lake.  

If you would like to be part of our landscaping team, I encourage you to join us, this Sunday morning.  We will consider our Spring cleanup, which will require needed brush cutting, spraying and other improvements, along the entire beachfront.  We sure could use help with assessing what needs to be done.  With enough help, we can start the project, sometime this fall, or late Winter/early Spring.   

A Reminder:  Please remove your boat from the boat racks, at the beach, by October 15th.   We ask residents to remove their boats by October 15th, so our neighbors, who volunteer, can perform needed maintenance on the boat racks and surrounding areas.  Aesthetics are important to our neighbors, too, and is why removing your boat is a requirement each year. This matter was voted on and passed by the property owners in your neighborhood.  Thank you for your kind understanding and consideration for your neighbors.     

The Coventry Lake Water Skiing Club has informed me, they will be removing our swimming buoys and lines, on September 30th.  They will store the buoy equipment in our shed, at the park, as usual.  

Please, A BIG round of applause for your neighbors who volunteer their time and energy, which benefits everyone living at Lakeview Terrace.  Of course, we would not have a lakefront, or a park, without the taxes paid by property owners.  Thanks.      

Bob Allison
President, LVTA

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LVTA Budget October 2022 update


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October 2022 Treasurers report


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Coventry Lake Advisory & Monitoring Committee Newsletter

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2020-2021 Budget and election of officers

Greeting all,

Unfortunately we won’t be able to meet in person this year to vote for the budget, and elect officers due to the Covid-19 outbreak, so we will be holding a vote by mail/email. I am posting the 2020-2021 proposed budget here, If you have any questions or concerns with the proposed budget please let us know within the next few days. The budget calls for the same 1 mil rate as last year. The Sani-can has been removed from the budget, as we cannot safely maintain it this year due to Covid-19.  The buoys for the swimming area will be installed this week, however the ski club won’t be installing docks this year.

            This year, myself, Geoff Willis, Secretary, and Scott Tweed, Vice President, are up for re-election. In addition, Lauren Curtis is stepping down as board member. Anyone who is interested in serving on the board, please let me know so I can include your name on the ballot.

            Next week, I will be mailing out a ballot, along with a copy of the proposed budget. Please either return the ballot by mail, or respond via email by the 24th of June.

Best regards,

Geoff Willis

Secretary, LVTA

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LVTA May meeting will be postponed

 I hope we are all hanging in there and staying safe. Due to the closure of the state until at least May 20, we will have to postpone the May meeting. We will keep you apprised of any developments. In the unlikely event that the closure extends very far into June, we will consider a mail-in or online ballot to vote for the budget and officers.

 Best regards,

Geoff Willis

Secretary, LVTA

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