Board Meeting minutes 10-22-2011

Lakeview Terrace Association Inc.
Special Board Meeting
October 22, 2011

Meeting was called to order by President Ray Chicoine at 10:04 am at 54 Lakeview Drive. Board Members present were Pat Halpin, Christina Pierce< Marcia Roy and Scott Tweed.

Secretary’s Report: Minute of the October 8th Special Board Meeting regarding the CT Water Parcel being donated to the Town of Coventry were handed out and read. They were not accepted because we did not have a quorum.

Treasurer’s Report: Checking Account Balance $5,819.02, Savings Account Balance $2,716.74, CD Balance $15,319.57 for a Total of $23,855.33 Treasurer’s report was approved and accepted.

Tax Collector’s Report: Amount Billed 2011-2012        $13,711.10    100%

Collected                $12,012.95
2012    32.20
2011                   10,764.48      78%
2011 Interest                                         58.85
Delinquent Taxes, Interest, Fees     1,057.62
Refund                                                -24.00

Tax Collector’s report was approved and accepted.

The Planning and Zoning Commission voted on October 11, 2011 to accept CT Water donation of .08 acres at the corner of Hilltop and Lakeview Dr. adjacent to our ball field. Ct Water is going to cap the well. This will be used by the town as open space, this is not a buildable parcel, at some point in the future the town may allow abutting property owners to purchase it.

The purpose of this Special Board Meeting was to discuss and vote on the clearing of the end of Crestwood Dr. To make it into a hammerhead so the Town of Coventry will accept the road. A motion was made to add $2,100.00 from the checking account into the road account to get Crestwood ready to transfer to the Town of Coventry. 4 Board Members voted in favor, there was one abstention.

Meeting was adjourned at 10:55 am.

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Board Meeting minutes 10-08-2011

Lakeview Terrace Association Inc.
Special Board Meeting
October 8, 2011

Meeting was called to order by President Ray Chicoine at 9:16 am at 54 Lakeview Drive. Board Members present were Bob Allison, Pat Halpin and Christina Pierce.

This meeting was called to discuss an e-mail Ray received from Darby Polinsky who is member of Coventry Planning & Zoning Committee. Connecticut Water asked the Town of Coventry if they want .08 acres (72’ x 50’) on the corner of Hilltop and Lakeview Dr. on which a well is located.

Christina has gone to the Assessor Office to see what CT Water is being assessed on the parcel and they are paying taxes on both that parcel and the ball field, therefore it appears to be over accessed.

Ray is going to Town Hall on 10/11 and get the current assessment value for the parcel.

The Oleskewskis’ placed a bid on July 25th for $1,200.00 on the parcel.
The Town received a letter on August 3rd asking if they wanted the parcel donated to them by the Water Company, if they abandon and cap the well.

Ray is going to the Planning and Zoning Meeting on Tuesday October 11th and ask them to table the donation.

Meeting was adjourned at 10:25 am

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