Annual meeting 05-01-16
Annual Meeting
Lakeview Terrace Association Inc.
Coventry Town Hall
May 1, 2016
2 PM
Call to Order
Roll Call
Treasurer’s Report
Secretary’s Report
Tax Collector’s Report
Beach Improvements
- Boulder wall from boat launch/kayak rack area over to tree near jetty Install silt fence, excavate area for wall, removing excess material as needed. Install boulders, setting top height with lazer so top of wall is level. Back fill wall, grade top of wall area to a mowable slope. Grade beach area with sand right up to bottom of wall. Rake and seed all disturbed area/new lawn areas. Steps down to beach Install granite steps to beach between tree and end of boulder wall. Excavate, install aggregate base, compact, install steps
- Excavate area, saving boulders, removing any excess material. Install boulder wall from steps out to jetty. This wall will have interesting areas that curve in to create small “private” beach areas, instead of just one curved row of boulders. Top height will be set with lazer. Back fill wall, grade top of wall area to a mowable slope. Grade beach area with sand right up to bottom of wall. Rake and seed all disturbed area. Create natural boulder steps from beach area up to jetty. Clear jetty of unwanted vegetation, re arrange boulders to create as much of a usable area on top of jetty as possible, making it easier to maintain. Spread topsoil, grade, rake and seed all new lawn areas and disturbed areas. Create small boulder wall on the right side of jetty (facing the water) Excavate area, removing excess material. Install boulder wall curving from jetty back to parallel with lake. Back fill, grade top to a mowable slope, grade bottom with sand, rake and seed new lawn/disturbed areas
- Create a small aggregate path down to the far right beach area where boats are moored. Excavate area, using existing boulders to create a simple wall and allow for a sloped path down to mooring area from jetty. Install aggregate, grade. compact, rake and seed all disturbed areas. Create wooden steps from far right jetty down to beach area I have a few guys who could do this, as I think it would be a better solution than granite steps due to the tree roots and terrain. They could build the steps right over the terrain without disturbing it. This price is really just an educated guess, depending if you want landings on piers for support, or just let the steps rest on the beach. I can get a more accurate quote if you want to proceed with this part.
Finance options
- .5 mil increase for 1 year. Balance from cash reserves. Work to be completed Fall 2016
- Special assessment of approximately $170 per lot. A vote to change the bylaws will be needed to allow this. Taxes currently capped at 10 mill. Cash reserves not used. Work to be completed Fall 2016.
- Special assessment of approximately $85 per lot. Balance from cash reserves. A vote to change the bylaws will be needed to allow this. Taxes are currently capped at 10 mills. Work to be completed Fall 2016.
- ½ from treasury, ¼ mill increase for 4 years. Work to be completed Fall 2020
2016– 2017 Budget
Old Business
- State Marshall Revisit after liens
- Signs, will be ordered soon, no dogs, no fishing, do not enter.
- Boat stickers: look into for next year
- Any other old business as appropriate
New Business
- 2 New Picnic Tables.
- Bulletin Boards need to be put up
- Beach Clean Up New buoys/rope
- Porta potty
- Any other new business as appropriate
Election of Officers
Posted in Meeting Agenda by gwillis with no comments yet.
Beach improvement ballot
This is a sample ballot for the vote we will be having for the beach improvement initiative this Sunday May 1, 2016 at the town hall at 2:00. If you cannot make the meeting, you can email your choices to me until 5/1/2016 1:00 pm at Please be sure to include name and LVTA property address.
Geoff Willis
Secretary LVTA2016-Beach-improvement-vote
Posted in Uncategorized by gwillis with no comments yet.
Beach improvement estimate
This is the estimate that we will be considering at the May 1, 2016 LVTA meeting at the town hall at 2:00
Geoff Willis
Secretary LVTA
Posted in Uncategorized by gwillis with no comments yet.
Board Meeting minutes 09-09-16
Lakeview Terrace Association
Board Meeting
September 09, 2015
Meeting was called to order by President Mike Martin at 6:34 pm at the beach. Board members present were: Mike Martin, Sean Butler, Marcia Roy, Geoff Willis, Stuart Pratt, Bob Allison, Scott Tweed, Derrick Pierce.
Roll Call of Board Members took place.
Secretary’s Report: Minutes of the August 18, 2015 Board Meeting were handed out, read and accepted.
Treasurer’s Report: Checking Account balance is $16,725.29, Savings Account balance is $292.52 and CD Balance is $15,473.11.
Tax Collector’s Report: No update
Old Business
- Landscaping, Marcia Roy contacted Andover landscaping who did Lakewood heights, Matt Bordner will put together a quote
- New Picnic Tables, $155.00×2 complete.
- Bulletin board new one to be installed at beach by Mike Martin Scott Tweed/Stuart Pratt working on refurbishment of old board.
- Beach sand has been delivered, needs to be raked out. Two more loads to be delivered.
- Signs, will be ordered soon, no dogs, no fishing, do not enter.
- State Marshall Revisit after liens
- Potluck was on Sunday 08-23-15 at 6:00 at the beach.
- Email list sent out
- Beach passes issues seem resolved
- Boat stickers: look into crafting bylaw for May meeting
- Docks & buoys, $300 allocated from the budget for ski club to take out dock and buoys.
- Hobby Day Stuart Pratt suggested having a Hobby Day where residents showcase their hobbies at the ball field, will compose letter to members.
New Business
- Tax Collector Stuart Pratt Discuss fee Stuart 40%, Christina 60%
- Next year hire someone to watch the gate for minimum wage, have an on call schedule for board members.
- Discuss budget meeting at special meeting
- Any other new business as appropriate
Meeting Adjourned 7:12 pm
Posted in Meeting Minutes by Admin with no comments yet.