Board Meeting minutes 07-20-2010
Lakeview Terrace Association
Monthly Board Meeting
July 20, 2010
Meeting was called to order at the beach by President Mike Martin. Board Members present were Bob Allison, Ray Chicoine, Pat Halpin, Robin Oleskewicz, and Marcia Roy.
Roll call of Board Members took place.
Treasurer’s Report: Checking Account Balance $584.47, Savings Account Balance $2,706.13, CD Balance $15,093.46
Tax Collectors Report: 2009-2010 $20.00 2010-2011 $6,311.22 Credit used $33.42
Secretary’s Report; Minutes of the May 2, 2010 Annual meeting and the June 8, 2010
Board Meeting were handed out, read and accepted
Old Business:
The Lakeview Terrace sign at the top of Lakeview Drive has been repaired and re-hung.
Roads- Ray has discussed with Tim Webb from DPW for the Town of Coventry the fence at Mrs. Olson on Hickory Dr., it is located within the towns easement. If for any reason the town would have to move the fence, to work on the storm drains the town would not be responsible for any damage to the fence. Once Mrs. Olson signs this easement, Tim Webb will send the roads to Planning and Zoning, from there it goes before Town Council.
A Certified Letter with return receipt from the Board was sent to an individual who claims damage to his car from the ice on the roads. Per Ct General Statue 13A-144 neither the state, town or the association is responsible for any damage that is weather related.
New Business;
Coventry Fest is July 24, we are looking for volunteers to install snow fence on Friday evening July 23 along Lake Shore Dr. we also need volunteers to check Beach Stickers from 9 am thru the fireworks on Saturday evening and for beach cleanup at 7:00 AM Sunday.
Two property owners have past away. Joe Peck on Maple Dr. a $100.00 donation will be made to the East Hartford Fire Dept, and Peter Rich of Lakeview Dr. we will forgive past due and current taxes.
We have received the results of Coventry Lake Water Testing done at our beach. The water tested was fine.
Meeting was adjourned at 7:50 pm
Posted in Meeting Minutes by p.halpin with no comments yet.