Annual Meeting minutes 05-06-2007

MAY 6, 2007

Meeting was called to order at the Coventry Town Hall Annex at 2:03 pm by Ray Chicoine, President, Board Members present were Herb Anderson, Michelle Baughman, Phyllis Chicoine, Pat Halpin, Mike Martin, Scott Tweed and Charlie Brown, Tax Collector.

Secretary’s Report: Minutes of the May 7, 2006 Annual Meeting and the August 1, 2006 Board of Directors Meeting were handed out, read and accepted.

Treasurer’s Report: Beginning Checking Account Balance:       $ 5,753.68
Deposits                                                         10,675.11
Checks Written                                              10,664.22
Ending Balance                                                5,664.52

Savings Account and Certificate of Deposit                                  $ 25,022.44

Tax Collector’s Report: There are 159 properties, 158 were collected in 2006 for at total of $10,575.11. One property has not been collected for a total of $77.45 a lien will be placed on this on 5/7/07.

2007-2008 Budget: Ray Chicoine handed out the proposed Budget, discussion took place. It was decided to put in 1,000.00 for beach improvement and eliminate beach cleanup and Beach misc. The Beach improvement will be dirt brought in for the upper part of the beach at the end of Hickory and some type of retainment wall needs to be put in to hold the soil.  Beach erosion on the jetty at the end of Lakeview need to be fixed. Scott Tweed will contact Kathleen Hassler, Director of Youth Services to see if we can hire a youngster to pick up glass and trash at the Beach. Sean Butler is going to contact Landscapers for the mowing. Association tax rate will be at ¾ mill.

Old Business:

By-Laws: Discussion was tabled.

Storm Drain on Laurel did not flood this winter. It was installed when the sewers were installed in 1982. This should be a Town problem, not LTA.

New Business:

Discussion took placed regarding the Town taking over the paved roads in the association. A motion was made ‘Not to send a letter of intent to the Town of Coventry’,
This motion was seconded and passed. The LTA would like Tim Webb, Director of Public Works to provide us with more information and answer questions members of the association have. We would like to know what rights we would be giving up if the Town takes over the road. Ray Chicoine will contact Tim Webb and we will call a Special Meeting and send out letter 14 day in advanced to all property owners.

Discussion took place regarding a new sign at the beach. We will ask Coventry Police what the sign should read, so they will come if people are at the beach at night  disturbing  the LTA  residents

Discussion of the Paper Roads was tabled.

Beach Clean Up will be May 19, 2007 at 10:00 AM.

Election of Officers:

Four positions are opened 2 regular and 2-alternate.

The following individuals were elected, Andrea Bagnall, Sean Butler, Ray Chicoine and Amanda Hawkins.

Meeting was adjourned at 4:09 pm.

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