Annual Meeting minutes 05-03-2009
MAY 3, 2009
Meeting was called to order at the Coventry Town Hall at 2:05 pm by President Ray Chicoine. Board Members present were: Andrea Bagnall, Pat Halpin, Mike Martin, Scott Tweed and Charlie Brown-Tax Collector.
Roll call of Board Members took place
Treasurer’s Report: Checking Account Balance: $5,624.64, Savings Account Balance: $4,172.85, CD Balance: $14,809.82. Treasurer’s Report was accepted.
Secretary’s Report: Minutes of the May 4, 2008 annual meeting and the March 12, 2009 board meeting were handed out, read and accepted. We have won an appeal against our beach assessment from the Town of Coventry, the beach was assessed at $59,000, with taxes of $1,712.65 the new assessment will be approximately $4.000 with taxes of $170.00.
Tax Collector’s Report: Taxes Collected in 2008-2009 were $11, 646.01. Uncollected and properties lien on 4/30/09 were 1,303.75.
Proposed Budget for 2009-2010 was 12,875.00, which would be a mil rate of 1mil which would equal to $12,616.05. There was a surplus in 2008-2009 budget of 1,444.17 which we will roll into this yet budget to be used on the roads.
Old Business:
Roads: We have spent $4,654.10 on the roads and the Town of Coventry has reimbursed us 1,560.98. We are hoping to turn Laurel, Juniper and Hickory over to the Town of Coventry in July. Work still need to be done on Crestwood, Hilltop and Laurel. There is still a drainage issue at the end of Crestwood.
Docks: They were installed at the wrong place. The dock was proposed to be placed near the boat launch, so people could use it while launching their boats not at the jetty where people swim.
New Business:
Barrier Repair at the end of Hickory and Lakeview. Ray Chicoine is going to contact the Public Works Dept and ask them to repair them with the poles the association has.
Paper Roads: Mike and Kevin Martin have proposed to the association to buy a portion of the paper roads, Birch Dr and Ferndale Rd abutting their property at 196 Juniper Dr. and Lot 4. Discussion took place and an attorney will be consulted. This can not happen unless a special meeting is called for all property owners in the association.
An association member proposed having the property at the end of Juniper on Lakeshore Dr. be cleared so members could use that area and have easier assess to the boats.
Election of Officers: Mike Martin and Scott Tweed have been re-elected. Derrick Pierce was elected to fill Herb Andersons position.
Beach Clean Up: Will Be Saturday May 16 at 10 am.
Meeting was adjourned at 3:45 pm.
Following the Lakeview Terrace Association annual meeting, at the officers meeting Derrick Pierce stepped down so Christina Pierce could become Treasurer. Andrea Bagnall will remain as a Board Member.
Posted in Meeting Minutes by p.halpin with no comments yet.