Board Meeting minutes 07-14-2008

JULY 14, 2008

Meeting was called to order at the beach at 7:06 pm by Sean Butler, President. Board members present were: Andrea Bagnall, Ray Chicoine, Pat Halpin, Mike Martin, Kendall Schiavi and Scott Tweed.

Roll call of Board Members took place.

Secretary’s Report: Minutes of the June 23, 2008 Board Meeting were handed out, read and accepted.

Introduction of Proposal : ‘That Lakeview Terrace Association purchase the ‘Connect-A-Dock’ tpk 2008 floating modular dock at the proposed cost of $4,505.00, plus purchase of necessary poles from a local supplier for installation near the association boat launch. Total association funds for the project not to exceed $4,800.00”

Presentation was made by Ron Nadeau of Lakeview Dr.

General discussion and questions followed the presentation.

Motion was made to vote on the Proposal, under to condition that we receive in writing from our Insurance Carrier that the docks are covered under our existing policy as written. Vote took place of property owners present 27 members were in favor of the docks, 14 members opposed.

Some members of our audience would like the Board to address the following items:
fixing of the boat launch ramp, lines for parking on Anderson Way and sand at the beach at the end of Hickory Dr.

Meeting was adjourned at 8:35 pm.

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