Board Meeting minutes 08-07-2007
AUGUST 7, 2007
Meeting was called to order at the beach at 7:05 pm by President Sean Butler. Members present were Herb Anderson, Andrea Bagnall, Michelle Baughman, Pat Halpin and Mike Martin.
Secretary’s Report: Minutes of the July 12, 2007 meeting were handed out, read and accepted.
Treasurer’s Report: All outstanding bills are paid to date balance in the checking account is $5,483.30. We will transfer back into the saving account $1,200.00 that was taken out last month to cover the insurance bill.
Citizen Forum:
Boats have been damaged and property stolen out of them. Anyone who comes to the beach at night should question the teenagers at the beach.
Old Business:
Sean is going to contact the police department for the correct verbiage for a curfew sign
at the beach. It will then be posted on the bulletin board and past as an ordinance so the police will come to the beach when they are called.
Lakeview Drive is a town road not an association road.
Mike Martin is going to buy the paint for parking spaces on the beach road. Michelle
will make stencils ‘Private Road’.
Sean will contact the lawnmower about cutting the brush along the beach front and also the Town of Coventry about trimming along the streets.
Sean will also get the stop signs so they will be in place by the time Tim Webb from the Public Works Dept walks the roads in the fall.
Sean would like to make newsletter to pass to every household in the association
New Business:
Mike Martin as submitted a proposal to purchase the bordering paper road, Birch Drive,
abutting his property at 196 Juniper Dr and Lot 4. This was tabled until we receive a dollar figure from Mike Martin
Sean will send a thank you letter to Mike & Gwen Delaney for trimming the trees at the beach.
Dave Delassandro has submitted a bill for mowing from last year but we have no proof he did this was tabled.
Picnic Tables will be removed from the beach on September 3 at 10am. Sean Butler will do the buoys.
Next Meeting will be 9/4/07 at 6:00pm on the beach.
Meeting adjourned 8:17 pm.
Posted in Meeting Minutes by p.halpin with no comments yet.