Board Meeting minutes 09-23-2012

Lakeview Terrace Association, Inc
Board Meeting
September 23, 2012

Meeting was called to order by Vice President Bob Allison at the beach at  4:07 pm  Board members present were  Ray Chicoine,  Pat Halpin, Christina Pierce, Michelle Pierce  and Marcia Roy.

Secretary’s Report: Minutes of the August 28, 2012 Board Meeting were handed out, read and accepted.

Treasurer’s Report: None

Tax Collector’s Report: None

Old Business:
•    Bob Allison has created a Word Document of the Lakeview Terrace Association
By-Laws. He would be interested in meeting with Association members to revise     them over the winter.
•    We have paid Outback $330.00 for the mowing. Also, we have paid LTA members a total of $200.00/ for mowing of the beach and the ballfield.
•    Christina will contact the State Marshall to collect delinquent taxes after January 1st.
•    Christina will contact the individual making the new beach signage.
•    Halloween Pumpkin Contest $100.00 has been approved for prizes.
•    Outhouse should be picked up.
•    Christina has a lead on a used Movie Projector for Movie night next year.

New Business:
•    Attorney Bartlett is in the process of doing the Quit Claim, on Crestwood Dr. which is the final process to be done before the Town takes it over officially.
•    John Lacek contacted Ray regarding a tree on the paper road Birch that is leaning towards his house. Ray will contact Tree Services for a quote to take it down.
•    Item to be put in 2013-2014 Budget-Refurbish the Bulletin Board on corner of Lakeview and Hilltop
•    Budget workshop for 2013-2014 Budget will be February 10, 2013 @ 2:00 pm at Marcia Roys’.

Meeting Adjourned at 4:47 pm.

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