Board Meeting minutes 12-05-2011

Lakeview Terrace Association
Special Board Meeting
December 5, 2011

The Board met at the beach at 10:30 am Board Members present were: Ray Chicoine, Bob Allison, Pat Halpin, Christina Pierce, and Marcia Roy.

An association member has volunteered to remove brush, undergrowth and dead trees from the beachfront. The trees were marked.

Secretary Pat Halpin is going to send a letter to boat owners asking them the remove
their boats so the beachfront can be cleaned.

Landie Construction has cleared the end of Crestwood for a cost of $2,000.00. Todd  Pinney from the Town has come to inspect it and wants a tree to be removed and the grade to be only 10%. Mike Manfgicco has given a quote of $250.00 to remove the tree   and Landie Construction will regrade it at no cost. We will transfer $325.00 from the savings account into the checking the additional $75.00 will be used for the stump removal.

Meeting was adjourned at 11:55.

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