Board Meeting minutes 08-27-2011

Lakeview Terrace Association Inc.
Board Meeting
August 27, 2011

Meeting was called to order at 10:40 am by President Ray Chicoine at 149 Hickory Dr, Coventry, CT due to rain. Board Members present were Pat Halpin, Christina Pierce and Marcia Roy. This meeting was a continuation of the August 21, 2011 Meeting adjourned because of rain.

Roll call of Board Members took place.

New Business:

Board Member Robin Oleskewicz has resigned. Marcia Roy alternate board member will finish her term.

Beach Committee: Met on 7/23/11.Would like to extend the buoys from the end of Hickory toward the boat ramp (since this is where the sand is). The Board voted to spend up to $300.00 for more buoys and floats.

Crestwood Dr. Peter Henry has surveyed the end of Crestwood the cost was $1400.00..
We need to level the end of Crestwood onto the paper road Birch, then our Attorney Rappe must write a description of the turnaround. to present to the Town.

A motion was made to transfer $110.00 from our Insurance account and $97.40 from our property tax account into the Roads account. and $70.00 from Office Supplies and $50.00 from Operations to pay Atty. Rappe bill for the By-Law  Change.

Kevin Leathe has contacted CL&P regard there damaging the Lakeview Terrace Association sign and CL&P said they would replace it.

A motion was made to remove 211 Maple Drive from the LTA tax rolls effective as of July 1, 2011 because Maple Dr. is now a town road.

Our next board meeting will be 9/11/11 at 6:00 pm.

Meeting was adjourned at 11:38 am

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