Board Meeting minutes 08-04-2009

AUGUST 4, 2009

Meeting was called to order at 7:05 pm at the beach by Vice President Mike Martin. Board Members present were Pat Halpin, Christina Pierce and Scott Tweed.

Roll call of Board Members took place.

Secretary’s Report: Minutes of the July 14, 2009 Special Meeting were handed out, read and accepted.

Treasurer’s Report: Checking Account Balance is $2,880.56. Saving Account Balance is $4,176.31. CD Balance is $14,884.01.

Tax Collector’s Report: Charlie Brown has resigned Christina Pierce is taking over.

New Business: Discussion on transfer of roads to the Town of Coventry.

The Town of Coventry will be receiving Federal Stimulus Money in the 2010-2011.
They will be resurfacing the town owned roads in Waterfront Manor and Lakeview Terrace with this. Lakeview Terrace roads that should be ready to turn over to the town will be Hilltop, Juniper, Hickory and Maple.

Gary Klambt present a Motion to amend Section 11 of our By-Laws dated July 11, 1993.

Which states: “That the transfer, sale, lease, purchase, or conveyance of real property owned by Lakeview Terrace Association be handled/voted on as follows:

1)    All members must be notified in writing of pending action.
2)    Approval will require 75% (seventy five percent)of all voting members.
3)    All transactions will be open for public bid.
4)    This section can not be changed or altered without approval of 75% (seventy five percent) of all voting members.

Signed by: Brian Coss-President               Darlene Rich-Secretary   Posted 7/11/93”

Pat Halpin stated she would contact the Secretary of States office to see if this was filed.

Walt Surko stated that he was against the association turning over Lakeshore Drive per our deed for the beach which begins at the foot of Maple, Hickory, Lakeview and Juniper.

Old Business: Fred Halpin went to the Coventry Police Dept regarding the parking situation on Lakeshore Dr. was told to post No Parking Signs. We voted to spend up to $300.00 for the signs.
Craig Couture had an incidents with a group of kids on the boat launch on 8/3/09 the Police were called.

We are dismantling the firepit on 8/22/09.

Our next meeting will be 9/1/09 at 6:30pm.

Meeting was adjourned at 8:09 pm.

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