Board Meeting minutes 06-02-2009

JUNE 2, 2009

Meeting was called to order at the beach at 7:04 pm by President Ray Chicoine. Members present were: Andrea Bagnall, Pat Halpin, Christina Pierce, Scott Tweed and Charlie Brown-Tax Collector.

Roll call of Board members took place.

Secretary’s Report: Minutes of the May 3, 2009 Annual Meeting were handed out, read and accepted.

Treasurer’s Report: Balance in the Checking Account: $4,890.81, Savings Account: $4174.58 CD’s $14,870.71

Tax Collector’s Report: Have collected $114.78 2008-2009 Taxes and $842.96 2009-2010 taxes.

Old Business:

Mike and Kevin Martin’s Road Purchase: Ray Chicoine has met with Atty. Rappe, it would be legal for the Martins’ to purchase the paper road Birch Tr. that is adjacent to 196 Juniper Dr. and Lot #4. However the Board of Directors would not make that decision, a special meeting would be called and all property owners would vote on it.
The Martins’ would not purchase the corner of the paper roads Lakeshore Dr and Birch Tr.

Road Turnover Update: We need an easement for property on the upside of Laurel between Hickory and Maple.  This will require an “under” drain on Laurel. Peter Henry is a surveyor who is going to survey the property that we need easements for. We need this easement to allow us to work on private property and allow the town to maintain the drain.  This is one requirement to turn over the road on Laurel.  Cost for the survey will be $450.00 and for the attorney to draw up the paperwork $400.00 for a total of $850.00.

Other Old Business: Jay Gyngell of 16 Crestwood Dr. presented a letter and pictures of a drainage issue at the end of Crestwood Dr. Allison Kane 6 Juniper at the corner of Hilltop and Juniper asked Ray Chicoine  if rocks on her property needed to be moved, Ray will stop by on 6/6/09 to look at it.

New Business:

Beach Vandalism: On weekend on 5/9 and 5/10 the Dock, Rules Signs, Manhole Cover and a boat were vandalized the Coventry Police are labeling it as a hate crime. The police are watching the beach areas from the lake with night vision goggles.

Fire Pit needs to be cleaned out and disassembled so people will not throw trash into it.

The dock need to be move away from the jetty. This will take place on Sunday 6/7/09 at 10 am

Meeting was adjourned at 7:55 pm

Next meeting will be 7/7 at 7:00 pm at the beach.

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