Board Meeting minutes 11-06-2006

NOVEMBER 6. 2006

Meeting was held at Mike Martins. Board Members present Phyllis Chicoine, Ray Chicoine, Pat Halpin and Mike Martin. Meeting was called to order at 6:05 pm

Meeting was called to discuss the stonewall issue being built on the paper road Birch Drive and behind 233 Echo Rd in Waterfront Manor. Following discussion it was decide that Ray Chicoine would meet with Bob Cramer (a member of Waterfront Manor) and measure from the existing manhole in front of 233 Echo Rd using the A-2 Survey used when the sewers were installed in 1988. If  our measurements are correct we could then bring them to a lawyer to have a letter written to the property owner asking him to remove the stonewall.

The Board also discussed the Town of Coventry taking over our roads. The town would have to be notified of our intent before July 7, 2007. In order for the town to take them over there must be a A-2 Survey, the roads must be 20’ wide (which they are on paper), all roads must be improved roads, and no property can be landlocked. Anderson Way would not be included in the roads.

Meeting was adjourned at 6:55 pm.

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