Board Meeting minutes 07-07-2006

JULY 7, 2006

Meeting was called to order by Ray Chicoine at 7:06 pm at the beach. Board Members present were Ray Chicoine, Herb Anderson, Michelle Baughman, Mike Martin, Phyllis Chicoine and Pat Halpin.

Secretary’s Report: Minutes of the June 6, 2006 meeting were handed out, read and accepted with corrections.

Treasurer’s Report: Checking account balance as of 6/2/06         5,777.63
Disbursements                                                7,450.95
Deposits                                                      4,026.19
Ending balance 7/7/06                                    2,352.87

Open Discussion: No one spoke.

Board Business:

Stonewall issue being built on paper road-Birch the property owner as two surveys one state the paper road in 14 feet the other states it is 20 feet. Cost for the association
for a survey the road could run into the thousands of dollars. We have a couple of options: 1) Do a survey next year and include it in the 2007 Budget. 2)  Let it go and do nothing. 3) Have a special assessment on all properties within the association.
This matter was tabled and will be discussed again at the August 1, 2006 meeting.

Laurel Drainage problem during the major rain last month between Maple and
Hickory was OK, there was a slight back up between Hickory and Lakeview, and more of a back up between Lakeview & Juniper. Ray is going to check with Bill Ross
regarding the cost  to clean all the drains on Laurel yearly.

Ray is also going to ask Bill Ross the cost to repair the washouts at the boat launch, on Maple and Lakeshore Dr.

We need to find someone to take over the buoys.

At the August 1st meeting  we will be voting on By Law Changes also discussing issues of the stonewall on the paper road and the take 2550.00 out of saving to cover the tree removal.

Meeting adjourned at 8:00pm

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