Board Meeting minutes 11-17-2010
Lakeview Terrace Association
Board Meeting
November 17, 2010
Meeting was called to order by Secretary Pat Halpin at the Coventry Town Hall at 6:40 pm. Board members present were Bob Allison, Ray Chicoine, Robin Oleskewicz, and Christina Pierce.
Roll call of Board Members took place
Minutes of the September 14, 2010 Board Meeting were handed out, read and accepted.
Old Business:
In order to turn the following roads over to the Town of Coventry, Juniper, Hickory, Maple, Hilltop, and Laurel we need an interim President. Ray Chicoine has been appointed. (Ray has worked on the road transfer since its’ inception.)
The association has only been charging 6 % interest on unpaid Association Taxes
Per Connecticut State Statue we should be charging the same has the state which is 18%.
Christina will inform all property owners who have not paid their association taxes that interest rate will now be 18%.
77% of all properties within the association have paid their taxes for a total of $10,431.00.
Memorial Donation:
The LTA will donate $50.00 in memory of Carol Surko to the Grace United Methodist Church, Southington, CT
Meeting was adjourned at 7:55 pm.
Posted in Meeting Minutes by p.halpin with no comments yet.
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