Board Meeting minutes 09-14-2010

Lakeview Terrace Association
Monthly Board Meeting
September 14, 2010

Meeting was called to order at the beach at 6:35 pm by President Mike Martin. Board members present were Bob Allison, Pat Halpin, Robin Oleskewicz, Christina Pierce, Marcia Roy and Scott Tweed.

Roll call of Board Members took place.

Secretary’s Report: Minutes on the August 10, Board Meeting were handed out, read and accepted.

Treasurer’s Report: Checking Account Balance $2,482.99, Savings Account Balance $2,708.42, CD Balance $15, 122.69. Treasurer’s books were audited on 8/10/10 by Christopher Hall, everything was in order

Tax Collector’s Report: 2010-2011 Taxes Collected $9,683.30 (70%), Prior Year’s Taxes, Interests, and Liens Collected $190.00, Credit given current years taxes
$299.60 (2%)  Uncollected Taxes $3,939.83 (28%) 49 Accounts are Unpaid

Old Business:

Roads. Catch Basin at corner of Crestwood and Juniper which had been resolved 2 years ago, has once again been resolved. Todd Pinney from The Town of Coventry is satisfied that the Town List of things that needed to be corrected in LTA is completed. He will write a letter to the Planning and Zoning Commission regarding the Transfer of the roads, hopefully they will pass it before the winter, then it goes onto the Town Council The leveling of Lakeview Dr has been done, it now needs to be chip sealed.

New Business;

It has been proposed that LTA mow the Beachfront property it owns in front of Mike Martins’ home starting in the spring of 2011. It would be an addition $20.00 per mowing, by the current individual who is now doing. It would cost approximately $200.00 /season.
Mike Martin thinks there are other issues the board should be addressing. This was tabled until the Annual Meeting in May, 2011. Also to be discussed in May are the boats on the beach near the dock.

Christina has looked into the Gaurdino Property per Town of Coventry Records Volume 542, page 10 they should be paying 3 times the mill rate in taxes. Christina is going to check the Town records and see if she can find any records changing the mill rate, if she does not she will send a letter to the current owners of the property now advising them of the mill rate, along with the paperwork from the Town Hall telling them starting in July, 2011 their taxes will be 3 times the mill rate.

Christina asked for $30.00 for the Halloween Jack O Lantern Contest, which was approved.

Docks, Picnic tables and buoys will be removed on Sunday 9/19 at 10 AM

Annual Meeting will be the 1st Sunday in May, 2011.

Meeting was adjourned 7:20 pm.

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