Board Meeting minutes 08-10-2010

Lakeview Terrace Association
Monthly Board Meeting
August 10, 2010

Meeting was called to at the beach order by Secretary Pat Halpin at 7:08 pm. Board Members present were Bob Allison, Ray Chicoine, Christina Pierce and Marcia Roy.

Roll Call of Members took place.

Treasurer’s Report: Checking Account Balance $1,042.94, Savings Account Balance $2,707.27, CD Balance $15,106.79.

Tax Collector’s Report: 2009-2010 Taxes $76.47 2010-2011 Taxes $8,607.30
98 Accounts are in Good Standing, 61 Accounts are  Unpaid Totaling $9,051.98

Secretary’s Report: Minutes of the July 20, 2010 Board Meeting were handed out, read, and accepted.

Old Business:

Ray Chicoine met with Mary Ida Olson of 45 Hickory Dr. who signed at letter to Tim Webb at the Dept of Publics Works “Stating that per agreement her fence can remain in it’s present location and she would hold the Town of Coventry harmless and the town would not be responsible for the fence in the unlikely event the town needed to perform work on the five foot easement.” This letter was recorded at the Town Hall on 8/4/10 in Land Record Volume 1147, Page 133

Ray feels that we are at a roadblock with the Town of Coventry on turning over the roads.
The town keeps bring up issues that we believe were already resolved.

Ray will be taking pictures this week of the catch basin at the corner of Crestwood and Juniper, that has been cleared.

Lakeview Drive will be leveled and chipped sealed this week.

Coventry Fest was a huge success, the fence along Lakeshore did a great job of keeping people out, along with the checking of Beach Passes

New Business:

12 to 17 properties in the association are leined per year. Per LTA By-Laws  Association there is no due date on association taxes, unlike town taxes that are due in 30 days.

Next Meeting will be 9/14 at 6:30 pm.

Meeting was adjourned at 7:45 pm

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