Board Meeting minutes 06-08-2010

JUNE 8, 2010

Meeting was called to order at 7:03 pm at the beach by President Mike Martin.
Members present were Christina Pierce, Ray Chicoine, Bob Allison, Robin Oleskewicz, and Marcia Roy.

Roll call of Board Members took place.

Treasurer’s Report:
Checking account balance = $4,296.83
Savings account balance = $2,704.90
CD balance = $15,068.34.
Tax Collector’s Report: 51 property owners paid taxes for 2010 totaling $3,797.40.
Treasurer’s Report and Tax Collector’s Report were read and accepted.

Christina Pierce informed the board that she received a letter from a property owner who has lived here for 61 years. The owner asked if the board would be willing to discount the taxes owed. The Treasurer met with the property owner and the owner’s monthly income covers all expenses with only $40 left over for extra expenses. The board discussed various options and the board finally voted unanimously to forgive taxes due for 2010. The Tax Collector will send a letter to the property owner.

Old Business:

*Beach clean-up was a huge success. Picnic tables were set up, the floating dock was installed, and buoys were installed around the swimming area. The stairs were swept and shrubs cut and trimmed. It was suggested that next year beach clean-up should be held on a Sunday again. It appears that more owners are available on a Sunday than a Saturday. It was also suggested that the board buy pizza and beverages for the clean-up committee next year.

*We are still having problems with non-residents using the beach. It was noted that some minors were seen sitting on the buoys over the weekend. And several times throughout the weekend non-residents were asked to leave the beach area.

*Transfer of Roads is still unfinished business. Ray Chicoine has been going back and forth with Todd Penney (Town Engineer) and Tim Webb (Director of Public Works). LVTA has provided the town with all of the necessary documents as requested. The last contact with Todd Penney was June 7th. Ray Chicoine is waiting on a reply.

New Business:

*A suggestion was made that a new sign be displayed at the entrance to Lakeview stating that this is Private Property even though these are (or will be) town roads. The original wooden sign at the corner of South and Lakeview is broken.

*It was mentioned that the town is considering purchasing the home on the corner of Lake Shore and Maple as part of the “open space” initiative. The town owns many properties around the lake. One member suggested we solicit other associations to discuss what the impact could be when the town takes over abandoned properties as they become available.

*The Tax Collector received a letter from a property owner on Crestwood. The letter claims that vehicles have sustained damage due to the condition of the road in front of the property. The owner enclosed various bills for vehicle repairs etc. This matter was discussed amongst the board members. It was unanimously decided that we will not reimburse the owner for any expenses because the roads will be turned over to the town soon. A certified letter will be sent to the property owner stating our decision.

*Coventry Fest is July 10th. Poles and fencing have been ordered and a barrier will be set up along the top of the beach area stretching from one end of Anderson Way to the other. Each entrance will be manned and beach passes will be checked all day and night to keep non-residents out. Volunteers are needed.

*A copperhead snake was sighted in the brush near where the fire pit used to be. Please be mindful of this hazard especially when young children are playing on the beach.

*The water along our shore was tested. Results will be sent to the association.

*Two members expressed concern about two dogs that are allowed to roam unleashed while the owner is walking them. One of the dogs has attacked other dogs while in their own yards. It was suggested that a letter be sent to the owner reminding them that the by laws state that all dogs must be on a leash. All were in favor. The Secretary will send out the letter.

Next meeting will be Tuesday July 13th at the beach at 7:00 pm.

Meeting was adjourned at 7:47 pm.

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