Annual Meeting minutes 05-04-2008

MAY 4, 2008

Meeting was called to order at the Coventry Town Hall at 1:02 pm by Sean Butler, President. Board members present were Herb Anderson, Andrea Bagnall, Ray Chicoine, Pat Halpin and Scott Tweed.

Roll call of Board Members took place

Citizens Forum: Jay Gynell of 16 Crestwood Rd stated that there was flooding in his driveway and the road in front of his home over the winter. The end of Crestwood needs to be graded so water from South St. will flow off the pavement.

Secretary’s Report: Minutes of the Annual Meeting on May 6, 2007 and Board Meeting of September 4, 2007 were handed out, read and accepted.

Treasurer’s Report: Not available

Tax Collector’s Report: Not available.

2008-2009 Budget was tabled until next meeting

Old Business
1) By-Laws that were reviewed a few years ago need to be reviewed by an attorney, have recommendations made and presented to the association.

2) Road Steering Committee walked the streets with Tim Webb Town of Coventry and Todd Pinney, P.E., Town Engineer on December 7, 2007. The following streets are scheduled for transfer to the Town of Coventry: Crestwood Dr., Hickory Dr., Hilltop Dr., Juniper Dr., Laurel Dr., and Maple Dr..  Lake Shore Dr has not been determined and Anderson Way will remain association owned. Attached is a list of concerns that the association must address.

3) Property on the lakeside Laurel Dr. between Juniper and Lakeview the Town of Coventry owns and will not sell to the association. We are going to ask the town to clean up the property.

New Business:

1) A Steering Committee was formed to discuss the paper road. Members are Ray Chicoine and Mike Martin.

2) Proposal was made to hold board meetings during the winter months November, January and March. Meeting would be held at a Town Facility.

3) Proposal was made to keep Phil Zetterstrom as landscaper his fee will be $100.00/visit.

4) Beach clean up will be Wednesday May 14 at 6:30 pm.

5) Next Board Meeting will be on June 9 at the beach.

Election of Officers: The following board members have been re-elected Ray Chcoine, and Pat Halpin. Michelle Baughman has resigned as treasurer, so Andrea Bagnall will become treasurer. Kendall Schrazi has joined the board as an alternate member.

Meeting adjourned at 2:20pm.

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