Board Meeting minutes 09-04-2007
Meeting was called to order at 6:13 pm on the beach by President Sean Butler. Board members present were Herb Anderson, Ray Chicoine, Pat Halpin, Mike Martin and
Scott Tweed.
Secretary Report: Minutes of the August 7, 2007 were handed out, read and accepted.
Treasurers Report: Not available
Citizens Forum:
1) A thank you goes out to Sean Butler for the newsletter that was hand delivered to every household in the association. We had the most help that we ever had for removing the picnic tables and buoys on 9/3/07. Our fire pit has been constructed.
2) Discussion took place regarding a Block Watch Program. Numerous times teenagers have been on the beach at night. Police are slow to respond.
Old Business:
1) Status of the roads. Letter of intent to turn the roads over the Town of Coventry has been sent by Sean Butler. The Town of Coventry will contact us to look at the roads this fall. Ray Chicoine will meet with the road committee before the town looks at the roads. Anderson Way and Lakeshore Dr will not be turned over.
a) Waterfront Development: A five(5) year permit for beach improvements was taken out last year. Volunteers for this committee are Scott Tweed, Ray Chicoine, Mike Martin and Kyle Bagnall.
b) Boat Owners: Our insurance policy does cover docks. Volunteers for this committee are Ed Oleskewicz 742-6866, Michelle Baughman, and Tom Karwoski.
c) Social Committee: Volunteers are Carrie Butler, Andrea Bagnall, Phyllis Chicoine, Carol Surko and Rick Gosselin.
d) Safety Committee: Robin Oleskewicz (Summer residents, Carol Surko, Herb Anderson and Pat Halpin).
1) Fire Pit needs to be cemented. Sean will have a book to make reservations for usage. If there is no reservation anyone can use.
2) Discussion took place regarding a horseshoe pit.
3) Signage for beach will be put up in the spring.
4) Sean is going to contact the town regarding the empty lots on the corner of Lakeview, Laurel and Juniper, to see if the association could purchase them.
New Business:
1) Association Funds- $20,000. plus is in CD with interest rate of 5%, 5,000.00 is in a regular savings account Sean Butler and Mike Martin have access to these accounts. Sean Butler and Michelle Baughman have access to the checking account.
2) Chains and locks for picnic tables are owned by Denis McElwaine we will purchase them for 50.00
3) Was suggested that we budget $100.00 donation to the Coventry Ski Club in the 2007-2008 Budget
Meeting was adjourned at 7:20 pm
Posted in Meeting Minutes by p.halpin with no comments yet.
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