Board Meeting minutes 07-12-2007
JULY 12, 2007
Meeting was called to order at the beach at 7:11 by President Sean Butler. Members present were Herb Anderson, Michelle Baughman, Ray Chicoine, Pat Halpin, Mike Martin, Andrea Bagnall and Amanda Hawkins.
Secretary’s Report: Minutes of the May 6, 2007 Annual Meeting were handed out, read and accepted with corrections. Minutes of the June 5, 2007 Special Meeting were handed out, read and accepted with corrections.
Citizens Forum:
1) Jay Gynell of 16 Crestwood Dr spoke of a drainage pipe that runs thru his property that is caving in that is in need of repair. Also, drainage is backing up at the end of Crestwood. There is also erosion at the end of Lakeview that need to be fixed.
2) A tenant on Lakeshore Drive is parking in the street. A letter will be sent to the individual, along with a copy of the LTA By-Laws highlighting the section there is no parking on the beach.
3) A question was raised to ask the individual who mows the lawn to trim the brush along the shore. Sean will contact the lawnmower.
4) A thank you goes out to Michelle Baughman for clearing the brush on the jetty at the bottom of Lakeview Dr.
Old Business:
1) Attorney Jim Mark did not return Sean’s telephone call. Sean is going to send the ‘Letter of Intent’ to the Town of Coventry to take over the roads. Before we turn the road over to the town we want to make a 4 way stop the intersection of Lakeview and Laurel and Hickory and Laurel, also a 3 way stop at the intersections of juniper and Laurel and Maple and Laurel to slow the flow of traffic. Cost of the signs will be $65.00/sign we would need 8 signs.
2) Michele Baughman asked to purchase 2 new
Park Benches at the cost of $50.00/bench this was approved.
New Business:
1) Mike Martin asked if he could purchase the property that is the paper road Birch adjacent to his property line. This would need a vote of all property owners in the association.
2) Establishment of committees:
a) Waterfront Development the purpose would be to take alook at improvement we could make at the waterfront.
b) Boat Owners docks
c) Social to meet all members in the association
d) Common areas Safety and Security
3) Discussion took place regarding the installation of a permanent fire pit on the jetty at the end of Hickory.
4) Discussion took place regarding a horseshoe pit to be set up on the beach, something would have to be designed to cover the stacks to prevent injuries.
5) We need improve signage both facing the water and on the beach regarding rules and regulations.
Other Business:
1) $1200.00 needs to be transfer from the savings account to the checking account to cover insurance.
2) The Town of Coventry owns Lakeview Dr.
3) Sean will contact the town to remove overgrowth along the roads.
Next meeting will be August 7 at 7:00 on the beach.
Meeting adjourned at 8:45pm.
Posted in Meeting Minutes by p.halpin with no comments yet.
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