Greeting all,
Unfortunately we won’t be able to meet in person this year
to vote for the budget, and elect officers due to the Covid-19 outbreak, so we
will be holding a vote by mail/email. I am posting the 2020-2021 proposed
budget here, If you have any questions or concerns with the proposed budget please
let us know within the next few days. The budget calls for the same 1 mil rate
as last year. The Sani-can has been removed from the budget, as we cannot
safely maintain it this year due to Covid-19. The buoys for the swimming area will be
installed this week, however the ski club won’t be installing docks this year.
This year,
myself, Geoff Willis, Secretary, and Scott Tweed, Vice President, are up for
re-election. In addition, Lauren Curtis is stepping down as board member.
Anyone who is interested in serving on the board, please let me know so I can
include your name on the ballot.
Next week,
I will be mailing out a ballot, along with a copy of the proposed budget. Please
either return the ballot by mail, or respond via email by the 24th
of June.
Best regards,
Geoff Willis
Secretary, LVTA
Posted in Comment by gwillis with .
2020-2021 Budget and election of officers
Greeting all,
Unfortunately we won’t be able to meet in person this year to vote for the budget, and elect officers due to the Covid-19 outbreak, so we will be holding a vote by mail/email. I am posting the 2020-2021 proposed budget here, If you have any questions or concerns with the proposed budget please let us know within the next few days. The budget calls for the same 1 mil rate as last year. The Sani-can has been removed from the budget, as we cannot safely maintain it this year due to Covid-19. The buoys for the swimming area will be installed this week, however the ski club won’t be installing docks this year.
This year, myself, Geoff Willis, Secretary, and Scott Tweed, Vice President, are up for re-election. In addition, Lauren Curtis is stepping down as board member. Anyone who is interested in serving on the board, please let me know so I can include your name on the ballot.
Next week, I will be mailing out a ballot, along with a copy of the proposed budget. Please either return the ballot by mail, or respond via email by the 24th of June.
Best regards,
Geoff Willis
Secretary, LVTA
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