Board Meeting 08-16-16 at the beach at 6:30 PM
Board Meeting
Lakeview Terrace Association Inc.
August 16, 2016
6:30 PM
Meeting to take place at the beach.
Call to Order
Roll Call
Secretary’s Report
Treasurer’s Report
Tax Collector’s Report
Presidents welcome
Old Business
- Beach committee report: Permit
- Special meeting needed to fast track moving rocks for reclamation of wall sides this fall.
- Bulletin board: New small bulletin board for the beach area: Needs to go up.
- Beach cleanup: brush needs to be cleaned up from boat trailer parking area.
- Beach cleanup: next year need a trailer to bring brush to transfer station
- Dead/dying pine trees
- Any other old business as appropriate.
New Business
- Beach passes.
- Moorings
- Road safety in the LVTA
- Any new business as appropriate.
Posted in Meeting Agenda by gwillis with no comments yet.
Board Meeting minutes 07-12-16
Lakeview Terrace Association
Board Meeting
July 12, 2016
Meeting was called to order by President Christina Pierce at 6:36 pm at the beach. Board members present were: Christina Pierce, Geoff Willis, Stuart Pratt, Marcia Roy, Bob Allison, Ray Chicoine, Mike Martin, Scott Tweed.
Roll Call of Board Members took place.
Secretary’s Report: Minutes of the June 14, 2016 Meeting were handed out, read and accepted with minor corrections.
Treasurer’s Report: Handed out, read and accepted. Checking Account balance is $30,069.58, Savings Account balance is $292.52 and CD Account has been closed, and balance added to checking account.
Tax Collector’s Report: Report handed out, read and accepted.
Amount Sums
2015 Outstanding Balance $5,727.13
New Lien fees 2016 $360.00
New Interest 2016 $2,208.54
New Taxes 2016 $12,410.00 $20,705.67
Taxes paid to date 2016 -$298.70 $12,111.30
Interest Paid 2016 $0.00
Lien fees paid 2016 $0.00 $20,705.67
Total Collected -$298.70
O.P. balance 2015-16 -16.69
Balance Due $20,390.28
All Properties 163
Total Billed 157
Total paid -3
Multiple accounts 0
Open statements 154
Coventry owned 3
LVTA properties 2
Nonmember 1
Delinquent 2015 16
Old Business
- Beach committee report: Permit application submitted to town. Wetlands committee hearing will be on 7/27/16 at7:30pm annex
- Special meeting needed to fast track moving rocks for reclamation of wall sides this fall. Sometime after hearing
- Boat stickers and sign: have come in.
- Picnic tables: Bob Allison took delivery of two, need to stain.
- Bulletin board: New small bulletin board for the beach area: Needs to go up.
- Parking – if any member sees a car without parking pass, please ask the owner of the car to put the pass in the window. If they do not have a pass, please ask them to leave, and if they do not, please call the police.
- Beach sand: more needed, in permit
- Coventryfest Went well
- Coventryfest LVTA Donated $500
- Porta-potty: we will keep the one we have, where we have it, for this year. Beach committee will include bushes around outhouse in their proposal for beach improvements.
- Meeting sign at bulletin board to indicate when the next meeting is
New Business
- Beach cleanup: brush needs to be cleaned up from boat trailer parking area.
- Beach cleanup: next year need a trailor to bring brush to transfer station
- Dead/dying pine trees, table until next month
Next meeting will be Tuesday August 16, 2016 @ 6:30 pm at the beach.
Meeting Adjourned 7:19 pm
Posted in Meeting Minutes by gwillis with no comments yet.
Board Meeting minutes 06-14-16
Lakeview Terrace Association
Board Meeting
June 14, 2016
Meeting was called to order by President Christina Pierce at 6:37 pm at the beach. Board members present were: Shelton Stewart, Mike Martin, Marcia Roy, Christina Pierce, Bob Allison, Scott Tweed, Stuart Pratt, and Geoff Willis.
Roll Call of Board Members took place.
Secretary’s Report: Minutes of the May 1, 2016 Annual Meeting were handed out, read and accepted.
Treasurer’s Report: Checking Account balance is $19,584.68, Savings Account balance is $292.52 and CD Balance is $15,478.95.
Tax Collector’s Report: Revised report read. Total collected $16,312.09
Amount Sums
2014 Outstanding Balance $9,692.32
Delinquent accounts 17
2015 New Taxes $12,346.90 $22,039.22
Taxes Paid to Date $14,067.65 $7,971.57
Interest & Liens Paid 2016 $1,244.44 $5,727.13
Total Collected $16,312.09
Balance Due $5,727,13
Total properties 161
Total accounts Billed 159
Total accounts Paid 129
Duplicate payments accounts 12
Pass due 15
Tax Exempt 3
Open Balance 5 -$16.69
Delinquent 2015 17 $7,177.62
Collected Pass due $2,514.70
Old Business
- Beach committee report: Have had 1 meeting with Todd Penny, and 3 member meetings. The priority being addressed is permitting. John Shippee created detailed drawings with ideas brought up by members of the committee. Permit will be all inclusive. 14 members have joined the beach committee.
- Special meeting needed to fast track moving rocks for reclamation of wall sides this fall.
- $130 to apply for permit to come from Beach improvement.
- Signs at beach: not needed.
- Boat stickers and sign: ordered.
- Picnic tables: Bob Allison will order two.
- Bulletin board: New small bulletin board for the beach area: Stuart Pratt will create bracket.
- Beach cleanup had great turnout.
- Buoys have come unattached, Todd Henderson will contact beach club.
- Boat rack expansion: table until next year.
- Newsletter went out, in the future it will go out annually around the time of the May meeting.
- Mission statement: Stuart Pratt and Todd Henderson will present at the May meeting.
- Elections may be held at the beginning of new business.
- Parking – if any member sees a car without parking pass, please ask the owner of the car to put the pass in the window. If they do not have a pass, please ask them to leave, and if they do not, please call the police.
- Beach sand: more needed
New Business
- Coventryfest: 6-24-15 Work party Friday 6/23/15 7:00 pm, volunteers needed to check beach passes from noon 6/24/15, contact Scott Tweed. Cleanup Sunday 6/25/15 10:00 am.
- Coventryfest: LVTA will donate $500 to the coventryfest fund.
- Porta-potty: we will keep the one we have, where we have it, for this year. Beach committee will include bushes around outhouse in their proposal for beach improvements.
- Meeting sign at bulletin board to indicate when the next meeting is.
Next meeting will be Tuesday July 12, 2016 @ 6:30 pm at the beach.
Meeting Adjourned 8:16 pm
Posted in Meeting Minutes by gwillis with no comments yet.
Coventryfest 2016
Coventryfest is this Saturday June 25, with a rain date of Sunday June 26. Volunteers are needed to put up the security fence at the LVTA beach on Friday June 24 at 7:00 pm. Volunteers are also needed to check parking passes at the beach Saturday from noon until the fireworks start. Scott Tweed will be coordinating shift scheduling, anyone interested please contact Scott at 742-0351. Volunteers for beach cleanup Sunday June 26 at 10:00am are needed as well. Please, when driving down to the beach make sure to have your parking pass in your window, whether you are parking, or just dropping off. Have an enjoyable Coventryfest!
Posted in Request for volunteers by gwillis with no comments yet.
Board Meeting 06-14-16 at the beach 6:30pm
Board Meeting
Lakeview Terrace Association Inc.
June 14, 2016
6:30 PM
Meeting to take place at the beach.
Call to Order
Roll Call
Secretary’s Report
Treasurer’s Report
Tax Collector’s Report
Presidents welcome
Old Business
- Beach committee report.
- Signs, will be ordered soon, no dogs, no fishing, do not enter, boat stickers required
- Boat stickers: Boats moored at rack or on beach must have a sticker affixed to the boat. Boats may be moored April 1 through October 15. Stickers can be requested on web site A notice should be added to the tax bill
- 2 New Picnic Tables.
- Bulletin Boards hang on beach cleanup day
- Beach Clean Up New buoys/rope to be assembled, and bulletin boards hung May 14 & 15 at 10:00 am
- Porta potty Marcia will order
- Proposal to expand boat rack
- Tax notice should provide an opportunity to update email
- Tax notice to include a newsletter
- Ski club to put in docks and buoys, Sean Butler contacted them
- Mission statement Stuart Pratt will take lead.
- For next year, elections earlier in proceedings
- Parking – Unauthorized cars parking at beach, written warning 3x then police will be called to remove trespassers. A bilingual sign will be ordered warning that cars will be towed at the owners expense.
- Beach sand, more sand needed
- Any other old business as appropriate
New Business
- Coventryfest June 25, 2016 Rain date June 26, 2016
- Coventryfest donation
- Outhouse location/beautification, sizes
- Any other new business as appropriate
Posted in Meeting Agenda by gwillis with no comments yet.
Board Meeting Tuesday June 14, 2016 6:30pm at the beach
The June board meeting is next Tuesday June 14, 2016 at 6:30 pm at the beach. In the event of rain, the meeting will be pushed to Thursday June 16, 2016 6:30 pm at the beach.
Geoff Willis
Secretary LVTA
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Beach committee meeting 05-07-2016 5:00 pm at the beach
The first beach committee meeting will be Saturday May 7, 2016 at 5:00 pm at the beach.
Posted in Request for volunteers by gwillis with no comments yet.
Annual Meeting minutes 05-01-2016
Lakeview Terrace Association, Inc
Annual Meeting
May 1, 2016
Meeting was called to order by President Mike Martin at the Coventry Town Hall at 2:00 pm Board members present were Mike Martin, Bob Allison, Geoff Willis, Marcia Roy, Sean Butler, and Scott Tweed.
Roll call of Board Members took place.
Secretary’s Report: Minutes of the May 3, 2015 Annual Meeting were read and accepted, and the September 9, 2015 Board Meeting were handed out, Read and accepted.
Treasurer’s Report: Checking Account Balance $19,563.47, Savings Account Balance $292.52, CD Account $15,478.95 Total $35,334.94.
Tax Collector’s Report: Total Collected $14,867.93
Amount Sums
2014 Outstanding Balance $9,692.32
Delinquent accounts 7
2015 New Taxes $13,420.59 $23,112.91
Taxes Paid to Date $12,871.77 $10,241.14
Interest & Liens Paid 2016 $1,996.16 $14,867.93
Total Collected $14,867.93
Balance Due $8,244,98
Delinquent tax totals $8,047.02
2016 uncollected balance $16,292.00
Total accounts Billed 149
Total accounts Paid 127
Open balance accounts 22
Beach Improvements:
Bob Allison provided a detailed presentation of the beach improvements proposed to members, including hand outs and pictures. He explained each area of the improvements in detail and took questions and comments from the members present. Discussion followed, and a general consensus was reached that beach improvements are desirable, however the proposed option for beach improvement was inadequate. A letter from Kevin Martin was read into the record. A bylaw that was added in 1993 was read into the record along with the Secretary at the times certification that the bylaw was added.
A motion was made to postpone the vote until more information is available to members at a special meeting. The motion carried.
A motion was made to create a Beach committee and was carried. A signup sheet was passed around. The Beach committee will come up with a proposal, and will present at least 3 estimates at a special meeting for a vote. Outback landscaping in Coventry may be interested in the opportunity for a bid. Some of the ideas for beach improvements in addition to those presented by Bob Allison are:
- More beach area!
- Enlarge the beach area to left of jetty at bottom of Lakeview Dr.
- Landscaping/Beautification
- Allocate finances to ongoing maintenance of beach area
- Build ramp along with stairs to enable members with disabilities access to the beach. This may be required due to the Americans with disabilities act.
- Expand beach in the area between the two jetties
- Create beach area where dogs can be brought to the water
- Break proposal out into sections, so each section can be voted on
- Publish legal notice soliciting bids for the project
Beach Improvement financing:
A discussion regarding financing of improvements took place. No one was interested in utilizing a special assessment to pay for improvements, and most are in favor of financing with a combination of cash reserves, and a modest mill rate increase. A motion was made to move funds from the cd to the LVTA checking account so we do not incur any fees. The motion was carried.
2016-2017 Proposed Budget:
Taxes & Insurance Proposed
Property Taxes Town of Coventry $200.00
Liability Insurance & Bonding $5,200.00
Tax Collector $1,500.00
Association Operations
Lien Fees $150.00
Printing, Copies & Postage $400.00
Postal Fees (P O Box) $50.00
Misc. Operating Exp. $120.00
Association Beach
Beach Improvements $2,450.00
Safety & Security $400.00
Mowing (Beach & Ball Field) $1,200.00
Sani Can $530.00
Other Expenses
Roads $400.00
Total Proposed Budget $12,600.00
Discussion took place regarding the Budget. Proposed Mil Rate will be set at 1 Mil, shortfall to come from reserve. Budget accepted.
Old Business
- State Marshall Not necessary
- Signs, will be ordered soon, no dogs, no fishing, do not enter, boat stickers required
- Boat stickers: Boats moored at rack or on beach must have a sticker affixed to the boat. Boats may be moored April 1 through October 15. Stickers can be requested on web site A notice should be added to the tax bill
New Business
- 2 New Picnic Tables. Remove 2 old ones
- Bulletin Boards hang on beach cleanup day
- Beach Clean Up New buoys/rope to be assembled, and bulletin boards hung May 14 & 15 at 10:00 am
- Porta potty Marcia will order
- Proposal to expand boat rack
- Tax notice should provide an opportunity to update email
- Tax notice to include a newsletter
- Ski club to put in docks and buoys, Sean Butler contacted them
- Mission statement Stuart Pratt will take lead.
- For next year, elections earlier in proceedings
- Parking – Unauthorized cars parking at beach, written warning 3x then police will be called to remove trespassers. A bilingual sign will be ordered warning that cars will be towed at the owners expense.
Election of Officers: Mike Martin, Bob Allison, Marcia Roy, Christina Pierce, and Shelton Stuart elected to board.
Meeting was adjourned at 4:30 pm
Board Meeting followed after a 10 minute recess,
Sean Butler and Derrick Pierce resigned from the board.
President: Christina Pierce
Vice President Bob Allison
Secretary Geoff Willis
Treasurer Marcia Roy
Tax Collector Stuart Pratt
Board Members Scott Tweed & Mike Martin
Alternate Board Members-Ray Chicoine, & Shelton Stuart
Next Board Meeting Tuesday June 14, 2016 6:30 pm at the beach. Rain date Thursday June 16, 2016 6:30 pm at the beach.
Meeting adjourned 5:00pm
Posted in Meeting Minutes by gwillis with no comments yet.
Annual meeting 05-01-16
Annual Meeting
Lakeview Terrace Association Inc.
Coventry Town Hall
May 1, 2016
2 PM
Call to Order
Roll Call
Treasurer’s Report
Secretary’s Report
Tax Collector’s Report
Beach Improvements
- Boulder wall from boat launch/kayak rack area over to tree near jetty Install silt fence, excavate area for wall, removing excess material as needed. Install boulders, setting top height with lazer so top of wall is level. Back fill wall, grade top of wall area to a mowable slope. Grade beach area with sand right up to bottom of wall. Rake and seed all disturbed area/new lawn areas. Steps down to beach Install granite steps to beach between tree and end of boulder wall. Excavate, install aggregate base, compact, install steps
- Excavate area, saving boulders, removing any excess material. Install boulder wall from steps out to jetty. This wall will have interesting areas that curve in to create small “private” beach areas, instead of just one curved row of boulders. Top height will be set with lazer. Back fill wall, grade top of wall area to a mowable slope. Grade beach area with sand right up to bottom of wall. Rake and seed all disturbed area. Create natural boulder steps from beach area up to jetty. Clear jetty of unwanted vegetation, re arrange boulders to create as much of a usable area on top of jetty as possible, making it easier to maintain. Spread topsoil, grade, rake and seed all new lawn areas and disturbed areas. Create small boulder wall on the right side of jetty (facing the water) Excavate area, removing excess material. Install boulder wall curving from jetty back to parallel with lake. Back fill, grade top to a mowable slope, grade bottom with sand, rake and seed new lawn/disturbed areas
- Create a small aggregate path down to the far right beach area where boats are moored. Excavate area, using existing boulders to create a simple wall and allow for a sloped path down to mooring area from jetty. Install aggregate, grade. compact, rake and seed all disturbed areas. Create wooden steps from far right jetty down to beach area I have a few guys who could do this, as I think it would be a better solution than granite steps due to the tree roots and terrain. They could build the steps right over the terrain without disturbing it. This price is really just an educated guess, depending if you want landings on piers for support, or just let the steps rest on the beach. I can get a more accurate quote if you want to proceed with this part.
Finance options
- .5 mil increase for 1 year. Balance from cash reserves. Work to be completed Fall 2016
- Special assessment of approximately $170 per lot. A vote to change the bylaws will be needed to allow this. Taxes currently capped at 10 mill. Cash reserves not used. Work to be completed Fall 2016.
- Special assessment of approximately $85 per lot. Balance from cash reserves. A vote to change the bylaws will be needed to allow this. Taxes are currently capped at 10 mills. Work to be completed Fall 2016.
- ½ from treasury, ¼ mill increase for 4 years. Work to be completed Fall 2020
2016– 2017 Budget
Old Business
- State Marshall Revisit after liens
- Signs, will be ordered soon, no dogs, no fishing, do not enter.
- Boat stickers: look into for next year
- Any other old business as appropriate
New Business
- 2 New Picnic Tables.
- Bulletin Boards need to be put up
- Beach Clean Up New buoys/rope
- Porta potty
- Any other new business as appropriate
Election of Officers
Posted in Meeting Agenda by gwillis with no comments yet.
Beach improvement ballot
This is a sample ballot for the vote we will be having for the beach improvement initiative this Sunday May 1, 2016 at the town hall at 2:00. If you cannot make the meeting, you can email your choices to me until 5/1/2016 1:00 pm at Please be sure to include name and LVTA property address.
Geoff Willis
Secretary LVTA2016-Beach-improvement-vote
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