Board Meeting minutes 10-08-2011
Lakeview Terrace Association Inc.
Special Board Meeting
October 8, 2011
Meeting was called to order by President Ray Chicoine at 9:16 am at 54 Lakeview Drive. Board Members present were Bob Allison, Pat Halpin and Christina Pierce.
This meeting was called to discuss an e-mail Ray received from Darby Polinsky who is member of Coventry Planning & Zoning Committee. Connecticut Water asked the Town of Coventry if they want .08 acres (72’ x 50’) on the corner of Hilltop and Lakeview Dr. on which a well is located.
Christina has gone to the Assessor Office to see what CT Water is being assessed on the parcel and they are paying taxes on both that parcel and the ball field, therefore it appears to be over accessed.
Ray is going to Town Hall on 10/11 and get the current assessment value for the parcel.
The Oleskewskis’ placed a bid on July 25th for $1,200.00 on the parcel.
The Town received a letter on August 3rd asking if they wanted the parcel donated to them by the Water Company, if they abandon and cap the well.
Ray is going to the Planning and Zoning Meeting on Tuesday October 11th and ask them to table the donation.
Meeting was adjourned at 10:25 am
Posted in Meeting Minutes by p.halpin with no comments yet.
Board Meeting minutes 09-11-2011
Lakeview Terrace Association Inc.
Board Meeting
September 11, 2011
Meeting was called to order by Secretary Pat Halpin at 6:07 pm at the beach. Board Members present were Bob Allison, Mike Martin, Christina Pierce, Marcia Roy and Scott Tweed.
Roll Call of Board Members took place.
Secretary’s Report: Minutes of the August 21 and August 28, 2012 were handed out, read and accepted.
Treasurer’s Report: Checking Account Balance $6,550.18, Savings Account Balance $2,716.41, CD Balance $15,305.85 Grand Total $24, 572.44. Approved and Accepted.
Tax Collector’s Report: Amount Billed 2011-2012 $13,711.10 100%
Collected $11,305.86
2012 32.20
2011 10,280.74 75%
2011 Interest 26.18
Delinquent Taxes, Interest, Fees 966.7
Approved and Accepted
Old Business:
Revising the LTA By-Laws Janet Grace is checking all revised documents and then will call a Committee Meeting.
Pot Luck Supper on September 4 went well.
New Business:
After reviewing both Kayak Rack designs it was decided to erect a permanent
rack to be cemented in near the boat ramp. The cost of the rack is not to exceed
$400.00. The money was allocated from the Beach fund and we will purchase the new buoys from the 2012 Budget.
Buoys, docks and picnic tables are to be removed from the beach on September 18 at 10:30am.
Annual Meeting will be held on May 6, 2012 at 2:00 pm
Meeting was adjourned at 6:53 pm.
Posted in Meeting Minutes by p.halpin with no comments yet.
Board Meeting minutes 08-27-2011
Lakeview Terrace Association Inc.
Board Meeting
August 27, 2011
Meeting was called to order at 10:40 am by President Ray Chicoine at 149 Hickory Dr, Coventry, CT due to rain. Board Members present were Pat Halpin, Christina Pierce and Marcia Roy. This meeting was a continuation of the August 21, 2011 Meeting adjourned because of rain.
Roll call of Board Members took place.
New Business:
Board Member Robin Oleskewicz has resigned. Marcia Roy alternate board member will finish her term.
Beach Committee: Met on 7/23/11.Would like to extend the buoys from the end of Hickory toward the boat ramp (since this is where the sand is). The Board voted to spend up to $300.00 for more buoys and floats.
Crestwood Dr. Peter Henry has surveyed the end of Crestwood the cost was $1400.00..
We need to level the end of Crestwood onto the paper road Birch, then our Attorney Rappe must write a description of the turnaround. to present to the Town.
A motion was made to transfer $110.00 from our Insurance account and $97.40 from our property tax account into the Roads account. and $70.00 from Office Supplies and $50.00 from Operations to pay Atty. Rappe bill for the By-Law Change.
Kevin Leathe has contacted CL&P regard there damaging the Lakeview Terrace Association sign and CL&P said they would replace it.
A motion was made to remove 211 Maple Drive from the LTA tax rolls effective as of July 1, 2011 because Maple Dr. is now a town road.
Our next board meeting will be 9/11/11 at 6:00 pm.
Meeting was adjourned at 11:38 am
Posted in Meeting Minutes by p.halpin with no comments yet.
Board Meeting minutes 07-10-2011
Lakeview Terrace Association
Special Board Meeting
July 10, 2011
Meeting was called to order by President Ray Chicoine at 6:36 pm at the beach.. Board Members present were Mike Martin, Pat Halpin, Christina Pierce, Bob Allison, and Robin Oleskewicz.
Roll Call of Board Members took place.
Secretary’s Report: Minutes of the June 12, 2011 Annual Meeting were handed out, read and accepted.
Treasurer’s Report: Checking Account Balance $7,225.90, Savings Account Balance $2,715.72 CD Balance $15, 281.68. Grand Total $25,223.30
Tax Collectors Report: Amount Billed 2011-2012 $13,982.40 100%
Collected 2011-2012 6,628.80 47%
Collect 2012-2013 31.80
Prior Years Taxes, Fees, & Liens 490.34
Total $7,150.94
Old Business:
Coventry Ski Club: An Acknowledgement has been given to the ski club to set up a slalom course 200’ off of our jetties to be used Fridays, Saturdays and Mondays between 7 am and 11 am. A DEP Hearing is to be set.
Coventry Fest: Went very well the Board would like to thank everyone who helped out.
New Business:
Young People on the beach at night. This Special Board meeting has been called to address this situation. After many comments from LTA Members we do not wish to close the beach at sunset nor can we hire an off duty police officer (it is cost prohibited) The uncle of one of the individuals did speak at the meeting and stated the individual has been grounded the last 2 weeks and there has not been any groups of young people at the beach. The past couple of weeks the situation has improved. Ray is going to contact Atty Bartlett to see how the Board can impose fine to the property owners per Section 5 and ordinances 1,2,3,5 and 8 of our By Laws.
Someone has been making fake LTA Beach Stickers, if you are checking stickers please watch carefully.
CT Water Selling Property: At the corner of Hilltop and Lakeview adjacent to the ballfield. LTA does not wish to purchase this parcel.
Rolling of our CD: Christina is going to do it when it comes due.
Next Board Meeting will be Sunday August 21 at 6:30 pm.
Meeting was adjourned at 7:52.
Posted in Meeting Minutes by p.halpin with no comments yet.
Board Meeting minutes 06-12-2011
Lakeview Terrace Association
Board Meeting
June 12, 2011
Meeting was called to order by President Ray Chicoine at 7:05 pm at the beach.. Board Members present were Mike Martin, Pat Halpin, Christina Pierce, Bob Allison, Robin Oleskewicz, Marcia Roy and Scott Tweed.
Roll Call of Board Members took place.
Secretary’s Report: Minutes of the May 1, 2011 Annual Meeting were handed out, read and accepted.
Treasurer’s Report: Checking Account Balance $5,239.67, Savings Account Balance $2,715.39 CD Balance $15, 263.52
Tax Collectors Report: Amount Billed 2011-2012 $13,982.40 100%
Collected current year 4,339.20
2010 Tax 4.35
2010 Fees 10.00
Total 4,353.55 31%
Old Business:
Roads transfer Hickory, Hilltop, Juniper, Laurel and Maple was approved by the Coventry Town council on 5/2/11 and recorded in the Town Records on 5/4/11 Volume 1171 page 280.
Crestwood is the only road that needs to be worked on. Peter Henry will do the survey at the end of Crestwood, pin it and draw up the map Then Attorney Rappe will send a letter to the Town.
New Business:
Coventry Ski Club Members Al Semprear and Dave Powers made a presentation to the Board they requested an acknowledgement to set a slalom course 200’ off of our jetties.
The course would be set up when it is to be used Fridays, Saturdays, and Mondays between the hours of 7 am to 11 am. Speed limits on the boats that would be pulling the skiers is between 30-34 mph. By us acknowledging that the ski club wants to use the lake in front of our beach there will be a DEP Hearing at the Coventry Town Hall.
There has been groups of young adults at the beach after dark drinking and smoking pot.
The individual parents and uncle have been approached by a board member and made aware of the situation.
Beach Clean up went well.
Coventry Fest is 6/26 we have asked to volunteers to set up the fencing on 6/25 , check beach passes 6/26 and clean up on 6/27. We have approved $200.00 for food and
Meeting was adjourned at 8:15pm
Posted in Meeting Minutes by p.halpin with no comments yet.
Annual Meeting minutes 05-01-2011
Lakeview Terrace Association, Inc
Annual Meeting
May 1, 2011
Meeting was called to order by President Mike Martin at the Coventry Town Hall at 2:06 pm Board members present were Bob Allison, Ray Chicoine, Pat Halpin, Robin Oleskewicz, Christina Pierce, Marcia Roy and Scott Tweed.
Roll call of Board Members took place.
Secretary’s Report: Minutes of the May 2, 2010 Annual Meeting and the January 27, 2011 Board Meeting were handed out, read and accepted.
Treasurer’s Report: Checking Account Balance $4,954.65. Savings Account Balance $2,712.54, CD Balance $15,247.95.
Tax Collector’s Report: 159 Accounts, 139 Paid, 20 Accounts Unpaid
Collected: $14,008.25
2010-2011: $11,956.71
Prior Years Taxes & Fee 1,849.16
2011-3012 Credit 202.38
Waived 579.83
Current Year 299.60
Prior years interest & fees 280.23
Uncollected 3,937.46
Current Year Unpaid 1,711.81
Current Year Interest & Fee 507.69
Prior Years Taxes & Fee 1,717.96
2011-2012 Budget
Taxes & Insurance $7,475.00
Association Operating Expenses 585.00
Association Beach 2,600.00
Road Turnover 1,500.00
Total $12,160.00
Old Business:
The following road should be turned over to the Town of Coventry at the Town
Council Meeting on 5/3/11, Hickory, Hilltop, Juniper, Laurel and Maple. The Town Attorney has already approved the turnover.
Crestwood will be the only remaining road that we have to work on before it can be turned over. We will need to have the end surveyed for a right to pass and a description filed with the Town Clerk.
New Business:
Discussion took place to place a barrier on Lakeshore Dr to prevent cars from parking on it. It was decided not to for insurance reasons.
Beach Clean UP will be 5/15 at 10:00 am a $100.00 was approved from the Social fund for food and drink following the clean up.
Election of Board Members:
Pat Halpin and Ray Chicoine were reelected.
Meeting was adjourned at 3:25 pm.
Board Meeting took place immediately following regular meeting.
Officers are
President: Ray Chicoine
Vice President Mike Martin
Secretary Pat Halpin
Treasurer/Tax Collector Christina Pierce
Board Members Bob Allison, Robin Oleskewicz, Marcia Roy and Scott Tweed
Meeting was adjourned at 3:33pm
Posted in Meeting Minutes by p.halpin with no comments yet.
Board Meeting minutes 01-27-2011
Lakeview Terrace Association
Board Meeting
January 27, 2011
Meeting was called to order by Secretary Pat Halpin at the Coventry Town Hall at 7:20 pm. Board members present were Bob Allison, Ray Chicoine, Robin Oleskewicz, Christina Pierce, Marcia Roy, and Scott Tweed
Roll call of Board Members took place.
Secretary’s Report: Minutes of the November 17, 2010 Board Meeting were handed out, read and accepted.
Treasurer’s Report: Checking Account Balance $4,391.96, Savings Account Balance
$2,712.54, CD Balance $15,185.45.
Tax Collector’s Report: Current Years Taxes Collected $11,221.09 = 80%
Past Years Taxes Collected $ 1,030.76
Unpaid Taxes
Current Year $ 2,780.80
Prior Years Unpaid Taxes 3,756.77
Total Unpaid Taxes $ 6,537.47
There are 2 small balances of .10 and .40 a motion was made and passed to write of these balances.
Old Business:
Roads- The maps of the following roads Hickory, Hilltop, Juniper, Laurl and Maple, have been referred to the Town Attorney; from there it goes to Planning & Zoning, then to Town Council.
Crestwood-We would need to have the right to pass surveyed and a description filed with the town clerk. Peter Henry would be doing the survey and Dave Rappe would do the description.
The only condition would have Gyngell repair the rocks along the street similar to Ed and Robin did at the corner of Hickory. If the rocks are on the right of way, the association can remove them. If the rocks are on Gyngell’s property then he has to repair them or get an agreement that the town would not be held liable
Vehicles parking on Lakeshore, Bob Allison is going to take digital pictures a various time and e-mail them to the property owner. If we repair the road should we charge he property owner?
New Business:
Tax Liens will be placed on any unpaid taxes after January 31, 2011.
Preliminary 2011-2012 Budget items:
Insurance $5,800.00
Mowing 1,000.00
Taxes 175.00
Tax Collector 1,500.00
Outhouse 500.00
Office Supplies 585.00
Security 400.00
Roads 1,500.00
Lakeview Terrace Association
Board Meeting
November 17, 2010
Meeting was called to order by Secretary Pat Halpin at the Coventry Town Hall at 6:40 pm. Board members present were Bob Allison, Ray Chicoine, Robin Oleskewicz, and Christina Pierce.
Roll call of Board Members took place
Minutes of the September 14, 2010 Board Meeting were handed out, read and accepted.
Old Business:
In order to turn the following roads over to the Town of Coventry, Juniper, Hickory, Maple, Hilltop, and Laurel we need an interim President. Ray Chicoine has been appointed. (Ray has worked on the road transfer since its’ inception.)
The association has only been charging 6 % interest on unpaid Association Taxes
Per Connecticut State Statue we should be charging the same has the state which is 18%.
Christina will inform all property owners who have not paid their association taxes that interest rate will now be 18%.
77% of all properties within the association have paid their taxes for a total of $10,431.00.
Memorial Donation:
The LTA will donate $50.00 in memory of Carol Surko to the Grace United Methodist Church, Southington, CT
Meeting was adjourned at 7:55 pm.
Posted in Meeting Minutes by p.halpin with no comments yet.
Board Meeting minutes 11-17-2010
Lakeview Terrace Association
Board Meeting
November 17, 2010
Meeting was called to order by Secretary Pat Halpin at the Coventry Town Hall at 6:40 pm. Board members present were Bob Allison, Ray Chicoine, Robin Oleskewicz, and Christina Pierce.
Roll call of Board Members took place
Minutes of the September 14, 2010 Board Meeting were handed out, read and accepted.
Old Business:
In order to turn the following roads over to the Town of Coventry, Juniper, Hickory, Maple, Hilltop, and Laurel we need an interim President. Ray Chicoine has been appointed. (Ray has worked on the road transfer since its’ inception.)
The association has only been charging 6 % interest on unpaid Association Taxes
Per Connecticut State Statue we should be charging the same has the state which is 18%.
Christina will inform all property owners who have not paid their association taxes that interest rate will now be 18%.
77% of all properties within the association have paid their taxes for a total of $10,431.00.
Memorial Donation:
The LTA will donate $50.00 in memory of Carol Surko to the Grace United Methodist Church, Southington, CT
Meeting was adjourned at 7:55 pm.
Posted in Meeting Minutes by p.halpin with no comments yet.
Board Meeting minutes 09-14-2010
Lakeview Terrace Association
Monthly Board Meeting
September 14, 2010
Meeting was called to order at the beach at 6:35 pm by President Mike Martin. Board members present were Bob Allison, Pat Halpin, Robin Oleskewicz, Christina Pierce, Marcia Roy and Scott Tweed.
Roll call of Board Members took place.
Secretary’s Report: Minutes on the August 10, Board Meeting were handed out, read and accepted.
Treasurer’s Report: Checking Account Balance $2,482.99, Savings Account Balance $2,708.42, CD Balance $15, 122.69. Treasurer’s books were audited on 8/10/10 by Christopher Hall, everything was in order
Tax Collector’s Report: 2010-2011 Taxes Collected $9,683.30 (70%), Prior Year’s Taxes, Interests, and Liens Collected $190.00, Credit given current years taxes
$299.60 (2%) Uncollected Taxes $3,939.83 (28%) 49 Accounts are Unpaid
Old Business:
Roads. Catch Basin at corner of Crestwood and Juniper which had been resolved 2 years ago, has once again been resolved. Todd Pinney from The Town of Coventry is satisfied that the Town List of things that needed to be corrected in LTA is completed. He will write a letter to the Planning and Zoning Commission regarding the Transfer of the roads, hopefully they will pass it before the winter, then it goes onto the Town Council The leveling of Lakeview Dr has been done, it now needs to be chip sealed.
New Business;
It has been proposed that LTA mow the Beachfront property it owns in front of Mike Martins’ home starting in the spring of 2011. It would be an addition $20.00 per mowing, by the current individual who is now doing. It would cost approximately $200.00 /season.
Mike Martin thinks there are other issues the board should be addressing. This was tabled until the Annual Meeting in May, 2011. Also to be discussed in May are the boats on the beach near the dock.
Christina has looked into the Gaurdino Property per Town of Coventry Records Volume 542, page 10 they should be paying 3 times the mill rate in taxes. Christina is going to check the Town records and see if she can find any records changing the mill rate, if she does not she will send a letter to the current owners of the property now advising them of the mill rate, along with the paperwork from the Town Hall telling them starting in July, 2011 their taxes will be 3 times the mill rate.
Christina asked for $30.00 for the Halloween Jack O Lantern Contest, which was approved.
Docks, Picnic tables and buoys will be removed on Sunday 9/19 at 10 AM
Annual Meeting will be the 1st Sunday in May, 2011.
Meeting was adjourned 7:20 pm.
Posted in Meeting Minutes by p.halpin with no comments yet.
Board Meeting minutes 08-10-2010
Lakeview Terrace Association
Monthly Board Meeting
August 10, 2010
Meeting was called to at the beach order by Secretary Pat Halpin at 7:08 pm. Board Members present were Bob Allison, Ray Chicoine, Christina Pierce and Marcia Roy.
Roll Call of Members took place.
Treasurer’s Report: Checking Account Balance $1,042.94, Savings Account Balance $2,707.27, CD Balance $15,106.79.
Tax Collector’s Report: 2009-2010 Taxes $76.47 2010-2011 Taxes $8,607.30
98 Accounts are in Good Standing, 61 Accounts are Unpaid Totaling $9,051.98
Secretary’s Report: Minutes of the July 20, 2010 Board Meeting were handed out, read, and accepted.
Old Business:
Ray Chicoine met with Mary Ida Olson of 45 Hickory Dr. who signed at letter to Tim Webb at the Dept of Publics Works “Stating that per agreement her fence can remain in it’s present location and she would hold the Town of Coventry harmless and the town would not be responsible for the fence in the unlikely event the town needed to perform work on the five foot easement.” This letter was recorded at the Town Hall on 8/4/10 in Land Record Volume 1147, Page 133
Ray feels that we are at a roadblock with the Town of Coventry on turning over the roads.
The town keeps bring up issues that we believe were already resolved.
Ray will be taking pictures this week of the catch basin at the corner of Crestwood and Juniper, that has been cleared.
Lakeview Drive will be leveled and chipped sealed this week.
Coventry Fest was a huge success, the fence along Lakeshore did a great job of keeping people out, along with the checking of Beach Passes
New Business:
12 to 17 properties in the association are leined per year. Per LTA By-Laws Association there is no due date on association taxes, unlike town taxes that are due in 30 days.
Next Meeting will be 9/14 at 6:30 pm.
Meeting was adjourned at 7:45 pm
Posted in Meeting Minutes by p.halpin with no comments yet.