Board Meeting 08-07-2017 at 6:30 pm at the town hall
Board Meeting
Lakeview Terrace Association Inc.
August 7, 2017
6:30 PM
Meeting to take place at the town hall.
Call to Order
Roll Call
Secretary’s Report
Treasurer’s Report
Tax Collector’s Report
Presidents welcome
Old Business
- Beach committee: Matt from Andover landscaping will be present at the July meeting
- Bulletin Board tabled until next meeting for a date to install.
- Ramp to dock tabled until next meeting for a date to install.
- Guard Rails Marcia got two bids: $8,924.40 for wood and $12,067.69 for galvanized, and second being wood at $10,950. A discussion was had about other options that may be available. Future research needs to be done. Tabled until next meeting when more information can be presented.
- Buoys refastened- Thank you to those that have helped getting the buoys back in shape. With some added and replaced anchors hopefully they will last the rest of the season and many more.
- Mowing, Brush, Tree removal and future bids-Mike Martin asked about these items.
- Mowing-Who is doing it, and how was the choice made? The bids were fully looked over by the board at previous Lakeview Terrace meetings, discussed and chosen. We choice to go with a member that had years of experience, was willing to provide the quality of service we wanted and was willing to do it the cheapest.
- Brush removal-We have money allocated to clean up brush but no quotes have been received so far and still needs to be done.
- Tree Removal-Why was it done and why it was discussed by email. A member reached out to the board the day after the annual meeting. There was a tree on the paper road by her house that was dead and dangerous and could fall at any time. Most of the damage was from wood peckers and bugs. It was discussed by the board through emails because the next meeting was a month out and the tree was unsafe and would damage her house if it fell causing damage Lakeview Terrace would be responsible for. Christina Pierce worked on getting three quotes. Companies where picked randomly from an internet search. One company never showed. The other two companies came in with the same bid of $500. One company wanted a fence removed and replaced after cutting, the other company was willing to work around it. Online reviews of the companies were also looked at. In the end, the board choose to go with the company not requiring the fence to be removed. It was voted on through email with board members with a majority vote to do it.
- Future Bids-Mike asked that future bids be in sealed envelopes and should be opened at the same time and then the lower bid is the one that we go with no matter what. Concerns were brought up that they are other factors that should be looked at when hiring someone to do work like experience, reviews, knowledge and quality. No agreement was found but this could be discussed at a future meeting.
- Any other old business as appropriate.
New Business
- Goose Spray
- Any new business as appropriate.
Posted in Meeting Agenda by gwillis with no comments yet.
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