Board Meeting minutes 08-20-2018
Lakeview Terrace Association
Board Meeting
August 20, 2018
Meeting was called to order by President Bob Allison at 6:30 pm at the beach. Board members present were: Bob Allison, Geoff Willis, Scott Tweed, Lauren Maciag, Chris Katan, Lisa Martin.
Roll Call of Board Members took place.
Secretary’s Report: Minutes of the July 9, 2018 Meeting were handed out, read and accepted.
Treasurer’s Report: Checking Account balance is $17,950.59, Savings Account balance is $292.52 for a grand total of $18,243.11
Tax Collector’s Report: Total collected $9,560.95, Outstanding balance $10,265.68
Old Business
- Ramp to dock vote to spend $517 on ramp, gwillis will order
New Business
- Mow upper parking lot, gwillis will mow
- Mow ball field, Zach Plourde will mow
- Sani can and Dock/Buoy will be removed by 9/16 Chris Katan will arrange.
- Stairs and Railing at the end of Hickory, vote on at May meeting
- Goose spray appears to have been effective at 2x concentration, we will try the same next year
- Fall cleanup Sunday 9/16 at 9:00am
- Drone complaints: Drones are regulated by the FAA, not the LVTA
Next meeting will be Monday September 10, 2018 @ 6:00 pm at the beach.
Meeting Adjourned 7:05 pm
Posted in Meeting Minutes by gwillis with no comments yet.
Board meeting minutes 07-09-18
Lakeview Terrace Association
Board Meeting
July 9, 2018
Meeting was called to order by President Bob Allison at 6:31 pm at the beach. Board members present were: Bob Allison, Geoff Willis, Scott Tweed, Lauren Maciag, Chris Katan.
Roll Call of Board Members took place.
Secretary’s Report: Minutes of the June 4, 2018 Meeting were handed out, read and accepted with revisions.
Treasurer’s Report: Checking Account balance is $9,177.31, Savings Account balance is $292.52 for a grand total of $9,469.83
Old Business
- Coventryfest June 30, 2018 went well
- Guardrails installed and brush from upper parking lot cleaned up
- Bob and Chris picked up building supplies for boat rack, sign, and poles for dock
New Business
- New boat rack to be assembled 7/29 at 9:00am along with weeding, and brush removal and goose spray
- Hydrilla signs have been put up
- Ramp to dock vote to spend $517 on ramp, gwillis will order
Next meeting will be Monday August 20, 2018 @ 6:30 pm at the beach.
Meeting Adjourned 7:25 pm
Posted in Meeting Minutes by gwillis with no comments yet.
Board meeting minutes 06-04-18
Lakeview Terrace Association
Board Meeting
June 4, 2018
Meeting was called to order by President Bob Allison at 6:32 pm at the beach. Board members present were: Bob Allison, Marcia Roy, Geoff Willis, Ray Chicoine, Scott Tweed, Lisa Martin, Lauren Maciag, Chris Katan.
Roll Call of Board Members took place.
Secretary’s Report: Minutes of the May 6, 2017 Annual Meeting were handed out, read and accepted with revisions.
Treasurer’s Report: Checking Account balance is $18,405.31, Savings Account balance is $292.52 for a grand total of $18,697.83
Old Business
- Mike Martin, and Ray Chicoine will arrange for Luke to do the guardrails for $500-$750, and cleanup brush for $500, using a dumpster from Ray’s quote for $650.
- Entrance sign Bob and Chris will pick up materials and install
- New Boat rack Bob and Chris will pick up materials
- Bulletin board tabled until July meeting
- Ramp to dock: Geoff Willis will bring info sheet on ramp.
- Handrail to beach at the end of Lakeview, Chris will contact Matt from Andover landscaping.
New Business
- Coventryfest June 30, 2018
- Fence to be installed 6/29 at 7:00
- Volunteers needed 6/30 after 3:00 pm
- Dock needs another pole, Bob and Chris will pick up
- New lock for boat ramp, Bob and Chris will pick up
- Andover landscaping to do mowing at beach, and eradicate invasive weeds, Chris will contact
Next meeting will be Tuesday July 9, 2018 @ 6:30 pm at the beach.
Meeting Adjourned 7:14 pm
Posted in Meeting Minutes by gwillis with no comments yet.
Annual Meeting minutes 05-06-18
Lakeview Terrace Association, Inc
Annual Meeting
May 6, 2018
Meeting was called to order by President Christina Pierce at Mill brook place at 2:05 pm Board members present were Scott Tweed, Stuart Pratt, Marcia Roy, Geoff Willis, Christina Pierce, Mike Martin, Ray Chicoin
Roll call of Board Members took place.
Secretary’s Report: Minutes of the May 7, 2017 Annual Meeting were handed out, read and accepted, and the September 12, 2017 Board Meeting were handed out, read, and accepted. , and the October 10, 2017 Special Meeting were handed out, read, and accepted.
Treasurer’s Report: Checking Account Balance $18,542.35, Savings Account Balance $292.52, Total $18,834.87.
Tax Collector’s Report:
Total collected $14,907.18, 2017 Past due Balance $7,583.28
2018-2019 Budget passed at 1 mil with $531 shortfall to come from reserves.
$2000 from 2017-2018 budget to be used for guardrails, additional boat rack, and bulletin board
Old Business
- Guardrails to be built from used telephone poles delivered by Mike Martin. Christina Pierce voiced her concerns about chemicals used in the telephone poles.
- Mike Martin, and Ray Chicoine will talk with Luke and get quote for installing guardrails, and removing brush.
- Bulletin board allegedly to be installed before July
- New Boat rack to be installed before July
- Ski club to install dock and buoys, volunteers to meet 5/11 7:00 ball field to move buoys to beach
New Business
- Beach cleanup 5/19 at 10:00am
Election of Officers: Lauren Maciag, Christopher Katan, Lisa Martin elected to the board.
Board Meeting followed after a 10 minute recess,
President: Bob Allison
Vice President Lisa Martin
Secretary Geoff Willis
Treasurer Christopher Katan
Tax Collector Stuart Pratt
Board Members Lauren Maciag & Scott Tweed
Alternate Board Members-Ray Chicoine
Next Board Meeting Monday June 4, 2018 6:30 pm at the beach.
Meeting adjourned 3:56pm
2017-2018 Budget Summary:
Taxes & Insurance
Property Taxes Town of Coventry $100
Liability Insurance & Bonding $5,100
Tax Collector $1,500
Subtotal $6,700
Association Operations
Lien Fees $100
Printing, Copies & Postage $300
Postal Fees (PO Box) $55
Misc. Operating Expenses $120
Subtotal $575
Association Beach
Beach Improvements $2,400
Safety and Security $200
Mowing (Beach & Ball field) $1,400
Sani Can $650
Subtotal $4650
Misc. Projects
Donation Coventryfest $175
Roads $400
Subtotal $575
Total Budget $12,905
Budget passed @ 1 mil, $531 to come from reserves. In order to maintain the current mil rate of 1 we will reduce reserves by $2000 to cover budgeted expenses for 7/1/17 – 6/30/18.
Posted in Meeting Minutes by gwillis with no comments yet.
Special Meeting Minutes 10/10/2017
Lakeview Terrace Association
Special Meeting: Beach improvement vote
George Hersey Robertson Library
October 10, 2017
Meeting was called to order by President Christina Pierce at 6:32 pm at the George Hersey Robertson Library. Board members present were: Christina Pierce, Geoff Willis, Stuart Pratt, Marcia Roy, Bob Allison, Ray Chicoine, and Scott Tweed
Roll Call of Board Members took place.
Christina presented brief review of project
- Vote for Phase 1 (cost approximately $25,000 to come from cash reserves)
6:53 5 minute recess to count votes
- Vote passed 29 yes, 5 no
- Project to start late fall/early spring
Meeting Adjourned 6:58 pm
Posted in Meeting Minutes by gwillis with no comments yet.
Board Meeting Minutes 09-12-2017
Lakeview Terrace Association
Board Meeting
September 12, 2017
Meeting was called to order by President Christina Pierce at 6:35 pm at the town hall annex. Board members present were: Stuart Pratt, Scott Tweed, Geoff Willis, Mike Martin, Christina Pierce, Marcia Roy, Bob Allison.
Roll Call of Board Members took place.
Secretary’s Report: Minutes of the August 7, 2017 Annual Meeting were handed out, read and accepted with two changes: “Minutes of the May 7, 2017 Annual Meeting” was changed to “Minutes of the July 25, 2017 board meeting” under the Secretary’s Report, and “donated” was changed to “purchased” under Anchors for buoys in Old business.
Treasurer’s Report: Checking Account balance is $41,274.49, Savings Account balance is $292.52 for a grand total of $41,567.01
Tax Collector’s Report: Total collected $13,134.99 outstanding balance $10,298.45 Read, handed out, and Accepted
Old Business
- Ramp to dock will cost about $600 Gwillis will bring info sheet to next meeting
- Bulletin Board 10/8 10:00am 2 Poles next to utility pole.
- Guard Rails Lisa Martin has access to 2 telephone poles, Christina will talk w/Ray Chicoine. $400 allocated to move poles.
- Goose spray appears to be less than effective this year.
- Handicapped parking spot, incorporate into beach design.
- Paddleboat moved
New Business
- Missing buoy is still missing
- Dock/buoy removal $250 ski club 9/23 9-2 On 9/24 at 9:00am we will stow the buoys in the boat shed.
- Path at end of Juniper possibly put boulder in middle of path to prevent vehicle access.
- Sanican remove after 9/26
- Beach improvements:
Unanimous decision to work from Andover quote
Special meeting on 10/10/17 6:30pm or 10/17/17 6:30pm to vote on Phase 1 improvements, Phase 1 will cost approximately $25,000. This will come from cash reserves. Phase 1 will not affect the mill rate.
Tentative dates for the next meeting are October 10th at 6:30 at the library(media center) at GHR(George Hersey Robertson School) with a backup date of 10/17. Postcards will go out when the venue is finalized.
Meeting Adjourned 8:35 pm
Posted in Meeting Minutes by gwillis with no comments yet.
Board Meeting Minutes 08-07-17
Lakeview Terrace Association
Board Meeting
August 7, 2017
Meeting was called to order by President Christina Pierce at 6:38 pm at the town hall. Board members present were: Christina Pierce, Geoff Willis, Bob Allison, Marcia Roy, Scott Tweed, Stuart Pratt, Ray Chicoine.
Roll Call of Board Members took place.
Andover landscaping presentation: Matt from Andover landscaping presented an in depth look at his take on the beach improvements. Improvements were broken up into sections, so members can pick and chose which improvements are wanted.
Highlights were;
Erosion control – swale by boat moorings, curtain drain, and trench by boat launch, connecting to storm drain outlet. Erosion control is needed to satisfy wetlands commission.
By boat rack: Either regrade to mowable slope, add rip rap over to boat launch, or boulder wall.
Granite steps towards beach, or river rock. This will help with erosion.
Jetty at end of Hickory. Create private nooks, with natural steps to Jetty. Tighten up boulders on right side of jetty to remove some vegetation. Add sand on right, small boulder wall on right to help with grade.
Jetty at end of Lakeview: Granite steps, or composite/pressure treated. River rock around steps to prevent erosion.
Boat moorings: Stone path from jetty along slope of land. This will help with erosion.
Secretary’s Report: Minutes of the May 7, 2017 Annual Meeting were handed out, read and accepted with two changes: $36,813.58 checking balance changed to $32,433.05, and , the word “choice” was changed to chose on the third sentence of the Mowing section of new business.
Treasurer’s Report: No new report.
Tax Collector’s Report: Total collected $11,372.76 outstanding balance $12,060.68 Read, handed out, and Accepted
Old Business
- Bulletin Board 8/20 10:00am 2 Poles next to utility pole.
- Ramp to dock GWillis to look into aluminum ramp
- Bank Accts. No need to change banks, fees waived.
- Guard Rails Look into poles at end of lakeview, or move on of old guardrails.
- Geese spray – Gwillis
- Anchors for buoys, cement anchors were donated by a member.
New Business
- Path at end of Juniper to be cleared out 8/12 at 10:00 am
- Last parking spot by boat launch to be designated as handicapped parking. Symbol to be painted.
Next meeting will be Tuesday Semptember 12, 2017 @ 6:30 pm at the town hall annex.
Meeting Adjourned 8:02 pm
Posted in Meeting Minutes by gwillis with no comments yet.
Board meeting minutes 07-25-17
Lakeview Terrace Association, Inc.
Meeting Minutes
July 25, 2017
Meeting took place at Town Hall
Call to order-Meeting was called to order by President, Christina Pierce, at 6:35 pm at the Coventry Town Hall.
Roll Call-Board members present were Christina Pierce, Bob Allison, Marcia Roy and Mike Martin.
Secretary’s Report-Minutes from the June 14, 2017 Lakeview Terrace meeting were handed out and read. A motion was made by Pat Halpin and seconded by Bob Allison to be accepted. Motion passed.
Treasurers report-The treasures report was handed out and read. The checking account balance is $36,813.58, savings account $292.52, for a total of $32,725.57. The motion to accept was made by Bob Allison and seconded by Pat Halpin. Motion passed.
Tax Collector’s Report-Stuart Pratt could not be there. Christina Pierce report that tax bills along with newsletters and beach passes have been mailed out. No tax report at this time.
President’s Welcome-Christina welcomed all members for attending and also Jim from James Blair Construction for coming. He will do his presentation and then there will be a brief question and answer time. Thank you to Pat Halpin for taking the minutes to tonight’s meeting.
Old Business
Beach committee: Jim from James Blair Construction gave a presentation of his plan for the beach improvement project. He handed out an estimate for the project (see attached), and multiple sketches. His plan addressed drainage issues, and the list of things we as members had wanted improved, such as the area behind the boat rack, stairs, more beach area, etc. Members had a chance to ask question and Jim answered them. Jim talked briefly about his experience over the years and how he got his start from working around the Columbia lake area doing beach improvement projects and going through wetland commissions there. His presentation was informative, organized and detailed. It was also discussed that some details still need to be made and chosen for a more detailed price and design. After Jim left the next meeting was discussed. Matt from Andover Landscaping will be doing a presentation at the next meeting on August 7th at 6:30 pm at the town Hall, much like this meeting.
Boat Stickers- Boats that are on the shore without stickers have been moved. If your boat is one of them please get a sticker ASAP so that we know it has an owner and please move it to an appropriate location.
Bulletin Board at Beach-tabled until next meeting for a date to install.
Ramp to Dock- tabled until next meeting for a date to install.
Bank Accounts-Marcia Roy reported that the Bank will be waiving fees so we will not need to change banks.
Picnic Tables-Bob Allison got the 2 new picnic tables and they are at the beach. He will be marking two that need to be removed. Two members will be taking the old ones.
Guard Rails along Lakeshore Drive-Marcia got two bids: $8,924.40 for wood and $12,067.69 for galvanized, and second being wood at $10,950. A discussion was had about other options that may be available. Future research needs to be done. Tabled until next meeting when more information can be presented.
New Business
Buoys refastened- Thank you to those that have helped getting the buoys back in shape. With some added and replaced anchors hopefully they will last the rest of the season and many more.
Mowing, Brush, Tree removal and future bids-Mike Martin asked about these items.
Mowing-Who is doing it, and how was the choice made? The bids were fully looked over by the board at previous Lakeview Terrace meetings, discussed and chosen. We choice to go with a member that had years of experience, was willing to provide the quality of service we wanted and was willing to do it the cheapest.
Brush removal-We have money allocated to clean up brush but no quotes have been received so far and still needs to be done.
Tree Removal-Why was it done and why it was discussed by email. A member reached out to the board the day after the annual meeting. There was a tree on the paper road by her house that was dead and dangerous and could fall at any time. Most of the damage was from wood peckers and bugs. It was discussed by the board through emails because the next meeting was a month out and the tree was unsafe and would damage her house if it fell causing damage Lakeview Terrace would be responsible for. Christina Pierce worked on getting three quotes. Companies where picked randomly from an internet search. One company never showed. The other two companies came in with the same bid of $500. One company wanted a fence removed and replaced after cutting, the other company was willing to work around it. Online reviews of the companies were also looked at. In the end, the board choose to go with the company not requiring the fence to be removed. It was voted on through email with board members with a majority vote to do it.
Future Bids-Mike asked that future bids be in sealed envelopes and should be opened at the same time and then the lower bid is the one that we go with no matter what. Concerns were brought up that they are other factors that should be looked at when hiring someone to do work like experience, reviews, knowledge and quality. No agreement was found but this could be discussed at a future meeting.
Next meeting Monday, August 7, 2017 at 6:30 pm at The Coventry Town Hall.
Meeting adjourned at 8:28 pm
Posted in Meeting Minutes by gwillis with no comments yet.
Board Meeting minutes 06-14-2017
Lakeview Terrace Association
Board Meeting
June 14, 2017
Meeting was called to order by President Christina Pierce at 6:35 pm at the beach. Board members present were: Bob Allison, Marcia Roy, Geoff Willis, Shelton Stewart, Scott Tweed, Stuart Pratt, Christina Pierce.
Roll Call of Board Members took place.
Secretary’s Report: Minutes of the May 7, 2017 Annual Meeting were handed out, read and accepted.
Treasurer’s Report: Checking Account balance is $36,813.58, Savings Account balance is $292.52 for a grand total of $37,106.10
Tax Collector’s Report: No change from May meeting
Old Business
- Boat stickers: Green Canoe on top of rack, Paddleboat chained to boat rack, and Red canoe on the side of the boatrack will be removed to upper parking area. Other boats without stickers will be removed on 7/15/17
- Beach committee: Representatives from Blair, and Andover will be present at the July & August meetings
- Bulletin Board Bob and Stuart will install the new bulletin board along Anderson Rd. 7/2 at 10:00am
- Ramp to dock build new one 7/2 at 10:00am
- Bank Accts. Tabled until July-August
- Ski club installed dock and buoys
- Secretary shall take care to spell Shelton Stewarts name correctly
- 2 New Picnic Tables. Remove 2 old ones – Bob Allison
- Buoys Volunteers to go through buoys – not enough volunteers
- Beach cleanup went well.
- Porta potty – Company put in same spot as last year, board voted to leave for now.
- Beach sand Delivered, and spread out.
- Plywood for sand delivery – complete
- Facebook page will be open to Members and Renters
- Boat launch combination will be changed when tax notices go out.
- Guard Rails Marcia Roy got 2 bids: $8924.40 wood/$12067.69 galvanized, and $10950 wood Christina will check with town for requirements.
New Business
- Coventryfest: 6-24-17 Work party Friday 6/23/17 7:00 pm, volunteers needed to check beach passes from 3pm 6/24/17. Cleanup Sunday 6/25/17 10:00 am.
- Donation to Knights of Columbus for Coventryfest $500.
- Brush/mowing $75 per mow for Field, hill, beach Start 7/1 $300 allocated for brush removal.
Next meeting will be Tuesday July 25, 2017 @ 6:30 pm at the town hall.
Meeting Adjourned 8:04 pm
Posted in Meeting Minutes by gwillis with no comments yet.
Annual Meeting minutes 05-07-2017
Lakeview Terrace Association, Inc
Annual Meeting
May 7, 2017
Meeting was called to order by President Christina Pierce at the Coventry Town Hall at 2:04 pm Board members present were Mike Martin, Stuart Pratt, Bob Allison, Marcia Roy, Christina Pierce, Geoff Willis, Scott Tweed, Shelton Stewart
Roll call of Board Members took place.
Treasurer’s Report: Checking Account Balance $38,735.75, Savings Account Balance $292.52, Total $39,028.27.
Secretary’s Report: Minutes of the May 1, 2016 Annual Meeting were handed out and accepted, and the September 6, 2016 Board Meeting were handed out, and accepted.
Shelton Stewart made a motion to waive the reading of the minutes, the motion passed.
Tax Collector’s Report:
Amount Sums
2015 Outstanding Balance $5,727.13
New Lien fees 2016 $360.00
New Interest 2016 $2,108.74
New Taxes 2016 $12,410.00 $20,605.87
Taxes paid to date 2016 -$11,678.11 $731.89
Interest Paid 2016 -$417.15
Lien fees paid 2016 -$168.00 $146.74
Total Collected -$12,263.26 $8,342,61
O.P. balance 2015 -315.39
2017 New Interest $234.29
2017 Overpay -$59.58
2017 New Interest Paid -$101.51
Balance Due $8,100.42
All Properties 163
Total Billed 157
Total paid 139
Open statements 18
Coventry owned 3
LVTA properties 2
Nonmember 1
Delinquent 2015 9
2017-2018 Budget passed at 1 mil with $2000 shortfall to come from reserves.
- $700 was moved from Mowing to a new line item for Brush removal at the beach.
- Discussion about the possibility of lowering taxes to ½ mil with the shortfall to come from reserves took place. Members present decided to keep the tax rate at 1 mil so the reserve would be available for the coming Beach improvements.
Beach Improvements:
First load of sand has been delivered. Christina Pierce will arrange to have a second load of sand delivered on or by 5/19. Email from Todd Henderson read into the record regarding quotes for the Beach Improvement project.
Old Business
- Brush quote needed for beach
- Geoff Willis will check salvage requirements for abandoned vessels at beach.
- Boat stickers: Boats that have been abandoned on the beach and on the boat racks over the winter without boat stickers will be removed to the upper parking area during beach cleanup. Email notification to members will be sent by Geoff Willis
- Beach committee shall meet and report at the June Meeting
- Bulletin Board Bob and Stuart will install the new bulletin board along Anderson Rd.
- Bank Accts. Tabled until July-August
- Ski club will install dock and buoys on 5/21 for $250
- Secretary shall take care to spell Shelton Stewarts name correctly
New Business
- 2 New Picnic Tables. Remove 2 old ones
- Buoys Volunteers to go through buoys will meet at ballfield at 10:00 am on 5/20
- Beach cleanup will be at 5/21 at 10:00am at the beach.
- Porta potty Marcia will get quotes, the porta potty will be put back to the old location, and be secured with a chain by Mike Martin, and Geoff Willis
- Geoff Willis will send out request for volunteers to spread sand
- Bob Allison will purchase 3 sheets of plywood for sand delivery.
- Facebook page will be open to Members and Renters
- Boat launch combination will be changed when tax notices go out.
- Guard Rails Marcia Roy will get 3 bids, for the June board meeting.
Election of Officers: Scott Tweed, and Geoff Willis re-elected.
Board Meeting followed after a 10 minute recess,
Geoff Willis will continue as secretary.
President: Christina Pierce
Vice President Bob Allison
Secretary Geoff Willis
Treasurer Marcia Roy
Tax Collector Stuart Pratt
Board Members Mike Martin & Scott Tweed
Alternate Board Members-Ray Chicoine, & Shelton Stewart
Next Board Meeting Wednesday June 7, 2017 6:30 pm at the beach. Rain date Wednesday June 14, 2017 6:30 pm at the beach.
Meeting adjourned 4:12pm
From Todd Henderson
Subject Re: Beach sand
Will not be able to get to meeting today. To recap where we are with the project. Blair Landscaping has met with Todd Penny and is preparing his drawing. His work schedule is booked thru the late summer. Andover has been contacted but I have not heard back from him recently, when last contacted he is agreeable to preliminary drawings. To recap for todays meeting:Project scope1) Cleanup up around boat launch and drainage culvert, remove brush. Clear brush around boat rack, reclaim beach, and establish clean edges so that it can be easily maintained in the future 2) Granite steps installed to provide access to both primary beaches. My recommendation is that we ask both firms to each attend one of our monthly beach meetings. That way all board members can address their concerns and finalize expectation directly with the contractors. Todd
2017-2018 Budget Summary:
Taxes & Insurance
Property Taxes Town of Coventry $300
Liability Insurance & Bonding $5,100
Tax Collector $1,500
Subtotal $6,900
Association Operations
Lien Fees $100
Printing, Copies & Postage $300
Postal Fees (PO Box) $55
Misc. Operating Expenses $120
Subtotal $575
Association Beach
Beach Improvements $2,400
Safety and Security $200
Mowing (Beach & Ball field) $1,400
Brush Removal $700
Sani Can $530
Subtotal $5,230
Misc. Projects
Roads $400
Subtotal $400
Total Budget $13,105
Budget passed @ 1 mil, $2,000 to come from reserves
Posted in Meeting Minutes by gwillis with no comments yet.