Annual Meeting minutes 05-04-2008
MAY 4, 2008
Meeting was called to order at the Coventry Town Hall at 1:02 pm by Sean Butler, President. Board members present were Herb Anderson, Andrea Bagnall, Ray Chicoine, Pat Halpin and Scott Tweed.
Roll call of Board Members took place
Citizens Forum: Jay Gynell of 16 Crestwood Rd stated that there was flooding in his driveway and the road in front of his home over the winter. The end of Crestwood needs to be graded so water from South St. will flow off the pavement.
Secretary’s Report: Minutes of the Annual Meeting on May 6, 2007 and Board Meeting of September 4, 2007 were handed out, read and accepted.
Treasurer’s Report: Not available
Tax Collector’s Report: Not available.
2008-2009 Budget was tabled until next meeting
Old Business
1) By-Laws that were reviewed a few years ago need to be reviewed by an attorney, have recommendations made and presented to the association.
2) Road Steering Committee walked the streets with Tim Webb Town of Coventry and Todd Pinney, P.E., Town Engineer on December 7, 2007. The following streets are scheduled for transfer to the Town of Coventry: Crestwood Dr., Hickory Dr., Hilltop Dr., Juniper Dr., Laurel Dr., and Maple Dr.. Lake Shore Dr has not been determined and Anderson Way will remain association owned. Attached is a list of concerns that the association must address.
3) Property on the lakeside Laurel Dr. between Juniper and Lakeview the Town of Coventry owns and will not sell to the association. We are going to ask the town to clean up the property.
New Business:
1) A Steering Committee was formed to discuss the paper road. Members are Ray Chicoine and Mike Martin.
2) Proposal was made to hold board meetings during the winter months November, January and March. Meeting would be held at a Town Facility.
3) Proposal was made to keep Phil Zetterstrom as landscaper his fee will be $100.00/visit.
4) Beach clean up will be Wednesday May 14 at 6:30 pm.
5) Next Board Meeting will be on June 9 at the beach.
Election of Officers: The following board members have been re-elected Ray Chcoine, and Pat Halpin. Michelle Baughman has resigned as treasurer, so Andrea Bagnall will become treasurer. Kendall Schrazi has joined the board as an alternate member.
Meeting adjourned at 2:20pm.
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Board Meeting minutes 09-04-2007
Meeting was called to order at 6:13 pm on the beach by President Sean Butler. Board members present were Herb Anderson, Ray Chicoine, Pat Halpin, Mike Martin and
Scott Tweed.
Secretary Report: Minutes of the August 7, 2007 were handed out, read and accepted.
Treasurers Report: Not available
Citizens Forum:
1) A thank you goes out to Sean Butler for the newsletter that was hand delivered to every household in the association. We had the most help that we ever had for removing the picnic tables and buoys on 9/3/07. Our fire pit has been constructed.
2) Discussion took place regarding a Block Watch Program. Numerous times teenagers have been on the beach at night. Police are slow to respond.
Old Business:
1) Status of the roads. Letter of intent to turn the roads over the Town of Coventry has been sent by Sean Butler. The Town of Coventry will contact us to look at the roads this fall. Ray Chicoine will meet with the road committee before the town looks at the roads. Anderson Way and Lakeshore Dr will not be turned over.
a) Waterfront Development: A five(5) year permit for beach improvements was taken out last year. Volunteers for this committee are Scott Tweed, Ray Chicoine, Mike Martin and Kyle Bagnall.
b) Boat Owners: Our insurance policy does cover docks. Volunteers for this committee are Ed Oleskewicz 742-6866, Michelle Baughman, and Tom Karwoski.
c) Social Committee: Volunteers are Carrie Butler, Andrea Bagnall, Phyllis Chicoine, Carol Surko and Rick Gosselin.
d) Safety Committee: Robin Oleskewicz (Summer residents, Carol Surko, Herb Anderson and Pat Halpin).
1) Fire Pit needs to be cemented. Sean will have a book to make reservations for usage. If there is no reservation anyone can use.
2) Discussion took place regarding a horseshoe pit.
3) Signage for beach will be put up in the spring.
4) Sean is going to contact the town regarding the empty lots on the corner of Lakeview, Laurel and Juniper, to see if the association could purchase them.
New Business:
1) Association Funds- $20,000. plus is in CD with interest rate of 5%, 5,000.00 is in a regular savings account Sean Butler and Mike Martin have access to these accounts. Sean Butler and Michelle Baughman have access to the checking account.
2) Chains and locks for picnic tables are owned by Denis McElwaine we will purchase them for 50.00
3) Was suggested that we budget $100.00 donation to the Coventry Ski Club in the 2007-2008 Budget
Meeting was adjourned at 7:20 pm
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Board Meeting minutes 08-07-2007
AUGUST 7, 2007
Meeting was called to order at the beach at 7:05 pm by President Sean Butler. Members present were Herb Anderson, Andrea Bagnall, Michelle Baughman, Pat Halpin and Mike Martin.
Secretary’s Report: Minutes of the July 12, 2007 meeting were handed out, read and accepted.
Treasurer’s Report: All outstanding bills are paid to date balance in the checking account is $5,483.30. We will transfer back into the saving account $1,200.00 that was taken out last month to cover the insurance bill.
Citizen Forum:
Boats have been damaged and property stolen out of them. Anyone who comes to the beach at night should question the teenagers at the beach.
Old Business:
Sean is going to contact the police department for the correct verbiage for a curfew sign
at the beach. It will then be posted on the bulletin board and past as an ordinance so the police will come to the beach when they are called.
Lakeview Drive is a town road not an association road.
Mike Martin is going to buy the paint for parking spaces on the beach road. Michelle
will make stencils ‘Private Road’.
Sean will contact the lawnmower about cutting the brush along the beach front and also the Town of Coventry about trimming along the streets.
Sean will also get the stop signs so they will be in place by the time Tim Webb from the Public Works Dept walks the roads in the fall.
Sean would like to make newsletter to pass to every household in the association
New Business:
Mike Martin as submitted a proposal to purchase the bordering paper road, Birch Drive,
abutting his property at 196 Juniper Dr and Lot 4. This was tabled until we receive a dollar figure from Mike Martin
Sean will send a thank you letter to Mike & Gwen Delaney for trimming the trees at the beach.
Dave Delassandro has submitted a bill for mowing from last year but we have no proof he did this was tabled.
Picnic Tables will be removed from the beach on September 3 at 10am. Sean Butler will do the buoys.
Next Meeting will be 9/4/07 at 6:00pm on the beach.
Meeting adjourned 8:17 pm.
Posted in Meeting Minutes by p.halpin with no comments yet.
Board Meeting minutes 07-12-2007
JULY 12, 2007
Meeting was called to order at the beach at 7:11 by President Sean Butler. Members present were Herb Anderson, Michelle Baughman, Ray Chicoine, Pat Halpin, Mike Martin, Andrea Bagnall and Amanda Hawkins.
Secretary’s Report: Minutes of the May 6, 2007 Annual Meeting were handed out, read and accepted with corrections. Minutes of the June 5, 2007 Special Meeting were handed out, read and accepted with corrections.
Citizens Forum:
1) Jay Gynell of 16 Crestwood Dr spoke of a drainage pipe that runs thru his property that is caving in that is in need of repair. Also, drainage is backing up at the end of Crestwood. There is also erosion at the end of Lakeview that need to be fixed.
2) A tenant on Lakeshore Drive is parking in the street. A letter will be sent to the individual, along with a copy of the LTA By-Laws highlighting the section there is no parking on the beach.
3) A question was raised to ask the individual who mows the lawn to trim the brush along the shore. Sean will contact the lawnmower.
4) A thank you goes out to Michelle Baughman for clearing the brush on the jetty at the bottom of Lakeview Dr.
Old Business:
1) Attorney Jim Mark did not return Sean’s telephone call. Sean is going to send the ‘Letter of Intent’ to the Town of Coventry to take over the roads. Before we turn the road over to the town we want to make a 4 way stop the intersection of Lakeview and Laurel and Hickory and Laurel, also a 3 way stop at the intersections of juniper and Laurel and Maple and Laurel to slow the flow of traffic. Cost of the signs will be $65.00/sign we would need 8 signs.
2) Michele Baughman asked to purchase 2 new
Park Benches at the cost of $50.00/bench this was approved.
New Business:
1) Mike Martin asked if he could purchase the property that is the paper road Birch adjacent to his property line. This would need a vote of all property owners in the association.
2) Establishment of committees:
a) Waterfront Development the purpose would be to take alook at improvement we could make at the waterfront.
b) Boat Owners docks
c) Social to meet all members in the association
d) Common areas Safety and Security
3) Discussion took place regarding the installation of a permanent fire pit on the jetty at the end of Hickory.
4) Discussion took place regarding a horseshoe pit to be set up on the beach, something would have to be designed to cover the stacks to prevent injuries.
5) We need improve signage both facing the water and on the beach regarding rules and regulations.
Other Business:
1) $1200.00 needs to be transfer from the savings account to the checking account to cover insurance.
2) The Town of Coventry owns Lakeview Dr.
3) Sean will contact the town to remove overgrowth along the roads.
Next meeting will be August 7 at 7:00 on the beach.
Meeting adjourned at 8:45pm.
Posted in Meeting Minutes by p.halpin with no comments yet.
Board Meeting minutes 06-05-2007
JUNE 5, 2007
Meeting was called to order at the Coventry Town Hall Annex by at 7:08 pm by Sean Butler, President. Board Members present were Herb Anderson, Michelle Baughman, Ray Chicoine, Pat Halpin, Mike Martin, Scott Tweed, Andrea Bagnall and Amanda Hawkins. Also present were Tim Webb, Director of Public Works, Town of Coventry and Jim Mark, Attorney, Lavigne & Mark. Representing the LVTA.
The reason for this special meeting was to discuss and vote on transferring the paved roads of Lakeview Terrace Association to the Town of Coventry. The roads are Maple, Hickory, Lakeview, Juniper, Hilltop, Laurel, Lakeshore and Crestwood.
A presentation was made by Sean Butler to inform LVTA members of the benefits of transferring privately owned roads over to the Town of Coventry. If we transfer the road speed limits and traffic laws would be enforced by the Coventry Police, also road would be on there patrols .
Tim Webb, Director of Public Works spoke said Waterfront Manor and Lakeview Terraces were not given the rights that the other associations around the lake are now being given to turn there roads over to the Town of Coventry, when sewers were installed in the 1980’s. All Public and private roads in the town receive the same plowing and sweeping from the town, but the town does not get state reimbursement of $1000.00/mile for the private roads. If private roads are turned over to the town the town can collect state reimbursement. The Public Works Dept will work with the association on turning the roads over.
LVTA must send a Letter of Intent to the Town of Coventry by 9/01/07.
LVTA would have until 9/1/17 to turn the roads over to the Town of Coventry.
Jim Mark the attorney for LVTA advised the association to send the letter.
A vote was taken it was unanimous.
A steering committee was formed. Volunteers were Janet Grace, Hickory Dr, Brian Moyer, Juniper Dr., Ron Nadeau, Lakeview Dr, Mike Martin, Juniper Dr. and Ray Chicoine on Juniper Dr.
Meeting was adjourned at 8:50pm.
Posted in Meeting Minutes by p.halpin with no comments yet.
Special Meeting 06-05-2007
Lakeview Terrace Association Inc.
Coventry Town Hall Annex
June 5, 2007
7 PM
Call to Order
Roll Call
Board Introductions
Old Business
• Discussion with Tim Webb Coventry Public Works of association roads
• Voting over transferring association paved roads Maple, Hickory, L:akeview, Juniper, Hilltop, Laurel, Lakeshore and Crestwood to town
This is a very important meeting. At the annual meeting on May 6, 2007 questions were raised regarding the transfer of our roads to the town. Therefore I invited Tim Webb of the Coventry Public Works to answer any and all questions regarding the road transfers
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Annual Meeting minutes 05-06-2007
MAY 6, 2007
Meeting was called to order at the Coventry Town Hall Annex at 2:03 pm by Ray Chicoine, President, Board Members present were Herb Anderson, Michelle Baughman, Phyllis Chicoine, Pat Halpin, Mike Martin, Scott Tweed and Charlie Brown, Tax Collector.
Secretary’s Report: Minutes of the May 7, 2006 Annual Meeting and the August 1, 2006 Board of Directors Meeting were handed out, read and accepted.
Treasurer’s Report: Beginning Checking Account Balance: $ 5,753.68
Deposits 10,675.11
Checks Written 10,664.22
Ending Balance 5,664.52
Savings Account and Certificate of Deposit $ 25,022.44
Tax Collector’s Report: There are 159 properties, 158 were collected in 2006 for at total of $10,575.11. One property has not been collected for a total of $77.45 a lien will be placed on this on 5/7/07.
2007-2008 Budget: Ray Chicoine handed out the proposed Budget, discussion took place. It was decided to put in 1,000.00 for beach improvement and eliminate beach cleanup and Beach misc. The Beach improvement will be dirt brought in for the upper part of the beach at the end of Hickory and some type of retainment wall needs to be put in to hold the soil. Beach erosion on the jetty at the end of Lakeview need to be fixed. Scott Tweed will contact Kathleen Hassler, Director of Youth Services to see if we can hire a youngster to pick up glass and trash at the Beach. Sean Butler is going to contact Landscapers for the mowing. Association tax rate will be at ¾ mill.
Old Business:
By-Laws: Discussion was tabled.
Storm Drain on Laurel did not flood this winter. It was installed when the sewers were installed in 1982. This should be a Town problem, not LTA.
New Business:
Discussion took placed regarding the Town taking over the paved roads in the association. A motion was made ‘Not to send a letter of intent to the Town of Coventry’,
This motion was seconded and passed. The LTA would like Tim Webb, Director of Public Works to provide us with more information and answer questions members of the association have. We would like to know what rights we would be giving up if the Town takes over the road. Ray Chicoine will contact Tim Webb and we will call a Special Meeting and send out letter 14 day in advanced to all property owners.
Discussion took place regarding a new sign at the beach. We will ask Coventry Police what the sign should read, so they will come if people are at the beach at night disturbing the LTA residents
Discussion of the Paper Roads was tabled.
Beach Clean Up will be May 19, 2007 at 10:00 AM.
Election of Officers:
Four positions are opened 2 regular and 2-alternate.
The following individuals were elected, Andrea Bagnall, Sean Butler, Ray Chicoine and Amanda Hawkins.
Meeting was adjourned at 4:09 pm.
Posted in Meeting Minutes by p.halpin with no comments yet.
Board Meeting minutes 11-06-2006
NOVEMBER 6. 2006
Meeting was held at Mike Martins. Board Members present Phyllis Chicoine, Ray Chicoine, Pat Halpin and Mike Martin. Meeting was called to order at 6:05 pm
Meeting was called to discuss the stonewall issue being built on the paper road Birch Drive and behind 233 Echo Rd in Waterfront Manor. Following discussion it was decide that Ray Chicoine would meet with Bob Cramer (a member of Waterfront Manor) and measure from the existing manhole in front of 233 Echo Rd using the A-2 Survey used when the sewers were installed in 1988. If our measurements are correct we could then bring them to a lawyer to have a letter written to the property owner asking him to remove the stonewall.
The Board also discussed the Town of Coventry taking over our roads. The town would have to be notified of our intent before July 7, 2007. In order for the town to take them over there must be a A-2 Survey, the roads must be 20’ wide (which they are on paper), all roads must be improved roads, and no property can be landlocked. Anderson Way would not be included in the roads.
Meeting was adjourned at 6:55 pm.
Posted in Meeting Minutes by p.halpin with no comments yet.
Board Meeting minutes 08-01-2006
AUGUST 1, 2006
Meeting was called to order at 7:06 pm on the beach by Mike Martin. Board Members present were Herb Anderson, Mike Martin, Pat Halpin, Scott Tweed and Michelle Baughman.
Secretary’s Report: Minute of the July 6, 2005 meeting were handed out, read and accepted.
Treasurer’s Report: Not present at this time
Open Discussion: No one spoke.
Board Business:
1) Changes to By-Laws 31 Property owners voted yes, 8 voted no via the mail. Members present 11 voted yes, 1 voted no. For a total of 42 in favor and 9 against the changes. We have tabled this item until we find the cost to record the changes in the By-Laws. Denis McElwaine is going to check at the Town Hall regarding the procedure to change them.
2) Vote was taken with members of the association present to remove money from
our savings account to cover the removal of the tree that came down on the beach near the boat launch at the cost of $2,550.00.
3) Stonewall on the paper road-Birch we will not do anything at this time, but send a letter stating the map of record at Town Hall to show Birch Dr to be 20 feet wide.
Michelle said she would compose the letter.
4) Crestwood Dr is still flooding Mike is going to check with Ray to see if he talked to Bill Ross at the Public Works Dept.
5) The Coventry Police will not do anything regarding kids making noise on beach unless a sign is posted ‘Quiet Time Starts at Sundown’ Michelle is going to check out the cost of the sign.
6) Removal of picnic table Sat. Sept 23 at 10:00 AM
7) Next Meeting will be Tuesday Sept. 5 at 7:00 on the beach
Meeting adjourned at 8:20
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Board Meeting minutes 07-07-2006
JULY 7, 2006
Meeting was called to order by Ray Chicoine at 7:06 pm at the beach. Board Members present were Ray Chicoine, Herb Anderson, Michelle Baughman, Mike Martin, Phyllis Chicoine and Pat Halpin.
Secretary’s Report: Minutes of the June 6, 2006 meeting were handed out, read and accepted with corrections.
Treasurer’s Report: Checking account balance as of 6/2/06 5,777.63
Disbursements 7,450.95
Deposits 4,026.19
Ending balance 7/7/06 2,352.87
Open Discussion: No one spoke.
Board Business:
Stonewall issue being built on paper road-Birch the property owner as two surveys one state the paper road in 14 feet the other states it is 20 feet. Cost for the association
for a survey the road could run into the thousands of dollars. We have a couple of options: 1) Do a survey next year and include it in the 2007 Budget. 2) Let it go and do nothing. 3) Have a special assessment on all properties within the association.
This matter was tabled and will be discussed again at the August 1, 2006 meeting.
Laurel Drainage problem during the major rain last month between Maple and
Hickory was OK, there was a slight back up between Hickory and Lakeview, and more of a back up between Lakeview & Juniper. Ray is going to check with Bill Ross
regarding the cost to clean all the drains on Laurel yearly.
Ray is also going to ask Bill Ross the cost to repair the washouts at the boat launch, on Maple and Lakeshore Dr.
We need to find someone to take over the buoys.
At the August 1st meeting we will be voting on By Law Changes also discussing issues of the stonewall on the paper road and the take 2550.00 out of saving to cover the tree removal.
Meeting adjourned at 8:00pm
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