Board Meeting minutes 08-10-2010
Lakeview Terrace Association
Monthly Board Meeting
August 10, 2010
Meeting was called to at the beach order by Secretary Pat Halpin at 7:08 pm. Board Members present were Bob Allison, Ray Chicoine, Christina Pierce and Marcia Roy.
Roll Call of Members took place.
Treasurer’s Report: Checking Account Balance $1,042.94, Savings Account Balance $2,707.27, CD Balance $15,106.79.
Tax Collector’s Report: 2009-2010 Taxes $76.47 2010-2011 Taxes $8,607.30
98 Accounts are in Good Standing, 61 Accounts are Unpaid Totaling $9,051.98
Secretary’s Report: Minutes of the July 20, 2010 Board Meeting were handed out, read, and accepted.
Old Business:
Ray Chicoine met with Mary Ida Olson of 45 Hickory Dr. who signed at letter to Tim Webb at the Dept of Publics Works “Stating that per agreement her fence can remain in it’s present location and she would hold the Town of Coventry harmless and the town would not be responsible for the fence in the unlikely event the town needed to perform work on the five foot easement.” This letter was recorded at the Town Hall on 8/4/10 in Land Record Volume 1147, Page 133
Ray feels that we are at a roadblock with the Town of Coventry on turning over the roads.
The town keeps bring up issues that we believe were already resolved.
Ray will be taking pictures this week of the catch basin at the corner of Crestwood and Juniper, that has been cleared.
Lakeview Drive will be leveled and chipped sealed this week.
Coventry Fest was a huge success, the fence along Lakeshore did a great job of keeping people out, along with the checking of Beach Passes
New Business:
12 to 17 properties in the association are leined per year. Per LTA By-Laws Association there is no due date on association taxes, unlike town taxes that are due in 30 days.
Next Meeting will be 9/14 at 6:30 pm.
Meeting was adjourned at 7:45 pm
Posted in Meeting Minutes by p.halpin with no comments yet.
Board Meeting minutes 07-20-2010
Lakeview Terrace Association
Monthly Board Meeting
July 20, 2010
Meeting was called to order at the beach by President Mike Martin. Board Members present were Bob Allison, Ray Chicoine, Pat Halpin, Robin Oleskewicz, and Marcia Roy.
Roll call of Board Members took place.
Treasurer’s Report: Checking Account Balance $584.47, Savings Account Balance $2,706.13, CD Balance $15,093.46
Tax Collectors Report: 2009-2010 $20.00 2010-2011 $6,311.22 Credit used $33.42
Secretary’s Report; Minutes of the May 2, 2010 Annual meeting and the June 8, 2010
Board Meeting were handed out, read and accepted
Old Business:
The Lakeview Terrace sign at the top of Lakeview Drive has been repaired and re-hung.
Roads- Ray has discussed with Tim Webb from DPW for the Town of Coventry the fence at Mrs. Olson on Hickory Dr., it is located within the towns easement. If for any reason the town would have to move the fence, to work on the storm drains the town would not be responsible for any damage to the fence. Once Mrs. Olson signs this easement, Tim Webb will send the roads to Planning and Zoning, from there it goes before Town Council.
A Certified Letter with return receipt from the Board was sent to an individual who claims damage to his car from the ice on the roads. Per Ct General Statue 13A-144 neither the state, town or the association is responsible for any damage that is weather related.
New Business;
Coventry Fest is July 24, we are looking for volunteers to install snow fence on Friday evening July 23 along Lake Shore Dr. we also need volunteers to check Beach Stickers from 9 am thru the fireworks on Saturday evening and for beach cleanup at 7:00 AM Sunday.
Two property owners have past away. Joe Peck on Maple Dr. a $100.00 donation will be made to the East Hartford Fire Dept, and Peter Rich of Lakeview Dr. we will forgive past due and current taxes.
We have received the results of Coventry Lake Water Testing done at our beach. The water tested was fine.
Meeting was adjourned at 7:50 pm
Posted in Meeting Minutes by p.halpin with no comments yet.
Board Meeting minutes 06-08-2010
JUNE 8, 2010
Meeting was called to order at 7:03 pm at the beach by President Mike Martin.
Members present were Christina Pierce, Ray Chicoine, Bob Allison, Robin Oleskewicz, and Marcia Roy.
Roll call of Board Members took place.
Treasurer’s Report:
Checking account balance = $4,296.83
Savings account balance = $2,704.90
CD balance = $15,068.34.
Tax Collector’s Report: 51 property owners paid taxes for 2010 totaling $3,797.40.
Treasurer’s Report and Tax Collector’s Report were read and accepted.
Christina Pierce informed the board that she received a letter from a property owner who has lived here for 61 years. The owner asked if the board would be willing to discount the taxes owed. The Treasurer met with the property owner and the owner’s monthly income covers all expenses with only $40 left over for extra expenses. The board discussed various options and the board finally voted unanimously to forgive taxes due for 2010. The Tax Collector will send a letter to the property owner.
Old Business:
*Beach clean-up was a huge success. Picnic tables were set up, the floating dock was installed, and buoys were installed around the swimming area. The stairs were swept and shrubs cut and trimmed. It was suggested that next year beach clean-up should be held on a Sunday again. It appears that more owners are available on a Sunday than a Saturday. It was also suggested that the board buy pizza and beverages for the clean-up committee next year.
*We are still having problems with non-residents using the beach. It was noted that some minors were seen sitting on the buoys over the weekend. And several times throughout the weekend non-residents were asked to leave the beach area.
*Transfer of Roads is still unfinished business. Ray Chicoine has been going back and forth with Todd Penney (Town Engineer) and Tim Webb (Director of Public Works). LVTA has provided the town with all of the necessary documents as requested. The last contact with Todd Penney was June 7th. Ray Chicoine is waiting on a reply.
New Business:
*A suggestion was made that a new sign be displayed at the entrance to Lakeview stating that this is Private Property even though these are (or will be) town roads. The original wooden sign at the corner of South and Lakeview is broken.
*It was mentioned that the town is considering purchasing the home on the corner of Lake Shore and Maple as part of the “open space” initiative. The town owns many properties around the lake. One member suggested we solicit other associations to discuss what the impact could be when the town takes over abandoned properties as they become available.
*The Tax Collector received a letter from a property owner on Crestwood. The letter claims that vehicles have sustained damage due to the condition of the road in front of the property. The owner enclosed various bills for vehicle repairs etc. This matter was discussed amongst the board members. It was unanimously decided that we will not reimburse the owner for any expenses because the roads will be turned over to the town soon. A certified letter will be sent to the property owner stating our decision.
*Coventry Fest is July 10th. Poles and fencing have been ordered and a barrier will be set up along the top of the beach area stretching from one end of Anderson Way to the other. Each entrance will be manned and beach passes will be checked all day and night to keep non-residents out. Volunteers are needed.
*A copperhead snake was sighted in the brush near where the fire pit used to be. Please be mindful of this hazard especially when young children are playing on the beach.
*The water along our shore was tested. Results will be sent to the association.
*Two members expressed concern about two dogs that are allowed to roam unleashed while the owner is walking them. One of the dogs has attacked other dogs while in their own yards. It was suggested that a letter be sent to the owner reminding them that the by laws state that all dogs must be on a leash. All were in favor. The Secretary will send out the letter.
Next meeting will be Tuesday July 13th at the beach at 7:00 pm.
Meeting was adjourned at 7:47 pm.
Posted in Meeting Minutes by p.halpin with no comments yet.
Annual Meeting minutes 05-02-2010
MAY 2, 2010
Meeting was called to order at 2:03 pm at the Coventry Town Hall Conference Room B
President Ray Chicoine. Members present were Pat Halpin, Mike Martin, Christina Pierce, and Scott Tweed.
Roll Call of Board Members took place
Treasurer’s Report: Checking Account Balance $3,196.90, Savings Account Balance $4,203.48, CD Balance $15,046.11.
Tax Collectors Report: Collected Taxes 2008-2009 $218.24, 2009-2010 $10,744.95, 2010-2011 69.57, Lien Fees, $50.00, Refunds $380.26 Uncollected Taxes 2009-2010 $1,613.36, 2008-2009 $852.01, 2007-2008 $328.25, Lien Fees $90.00.
Secretary’s Report: Minutes of the May 3, 2009 Annual Meeting, September 1, 2009 Monthly Meeting and October 13, 2009 Board Meeting were handed out, read and accepted.
2010-2011 Budget
Taxes & Insurance Total $7,475.00
Association Operations Total 585.00
Association Beach Total $3,970.00
Road Expense Total $1,500.00
Total Budget $13,530.00
Proposed Mil Rate @ 1 mil $13,995.00
The association will be purchasing new buoys for the beach for a total of $3,500.00, $1,000.00 from the Beach Budget the remainder from the Savings Account.
Old Business:
On January 4, 2010 a letter was sent to the Town of Coventry turning over Maple, Hickory, Juniper, Laurel, and Hilltop. The Town has agreed to take over all of these. In order to take over the remaining road, Crestwood they would need a ‘right to pass’ at the end of Crestwood. The association would have to have the end of Crestwood surveyed and a description would need to be drawn up.
New Business:
Chain will be installed the top of the boat ramp with a padlock, The combination will appear on the tax bill so everyone in the association will have it. Hopefully people using the ramp will put the chain back up.
There will be a new format on our tax bill. It will be easier to read,
Sean Butler has requested to put in a boat lift. After discussion it was decide to e-mail him overseas. That we do not think if is feasible for safety and security reasons.
An association member brought up the blight issue in the association. The Town of Coventry has a Blight Ordinance form on it’s website. Anyone can fill it out.
An association member stated that automobiles were ignoring the stop signs at the top of Lakeview Dr. and Hilltop The member said this situation is as accident waiting to happen,
Mike Martin brought to the association attention that someone from Waterfront Manor has had a survey and they have pins in the Paper Road Birch. After much discussion it was stated it would be unfair to all members of the association to have just one portion of Birch surveyed the whole paper road Birch would have to be surveyed at the cost of at least $30,000.00 plus legal fees, it would probably be in excess of $100,000.00. At our July 15, 2009 meeting it was stated that there would be no further discussion on the paper roads.
New Beach Passes will be printed this year that will hang on the rearview mirror for the cost of $120.00.
Coventry Fest will be July 10, we would like to check all Beach Passes that day and fence in the beach only allowing access at either end of Anderson Way, this way discouraging outsiders to our beach and hopefully association members will remove their trash.
There is a tree at the ballfield that is cracked and hanging over the wire. Christina is contacting CL&P to see if they will remove it.
Beach Clean Up will be Saturday May 15 at 10 Am
Security Meeting will be Sunday May 16 at 12:00 Noon at the Beach
Election of Officers:
Bob Allision, Robin Oleskewicz, and Marcia Roy.
Meeting was adjourned at 4:45 pm
Officers meeting immediately following: President Mike Martin, Vice President Scott Tweed, Secretary Pat Halpin, Treasurer & Tax Collector Christina Pierce Board Members: Bob Allison, Ray Chicoine, Robin Oleskewicz, and AlternateMarcia Roy
Officers Meeting was adjourned at 4:55 pm
Posted in Meeting Minutes by p.halpin with no comments yet.
Board Meeting minutes 09-01-2009
Meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm at the beach by President Ray Chiccoine. Members present were Pat Halpin, Mike Martin, Christina Pierce and Scott Tweed.
Roll call of Board Members took place.
Secretary’s Report: Minutes of the August 4, 2009 meeting were handed out, read and accepted with corrections.
Treasurer’s Report: Checking Account Balance: $3,618.86, Savings Account Balance: $4,177.19, CD $14,880.06
Tax Collector’s Report: 2008-2009 Unpaid LTA Taxes $1,520.10, Paid in August 136.82. 2009-2010 Unpaid LTA 50 Properties $4,126.76. Paid 101 Properties $8,389.54.
Five (5) Refunds $180.46.
Old Business:
1) Road turnover update. After discussion it was decided to go door to door to petition signature for the following roads to be turn over to the town when necessary work on them is completed: Hilltop Dr, Laurel Dr., Crestwood Dr, Maple Dr, Hickory Dr., Lakeview Dr. and Juniper Dr. The Following individuals have volunteered Pat Halpin, Denis Mc Elwaine., Christina Pierce, Carol Surko, and Scott Tweed.
2) There is still a drainage issue at the end of Crestwood Dr.
3) We still need easements on Laurel Dr. and Juniper
New Business:
1) Tree trimming needs to be done on Maple and Juniper.
2) Picnic Tables and Buoys will be removed on Saturday 9/12/09 at 10 AM
3) Security Committee will meet on 9/10/09 at the beach at 6:30 pm.
Meeting was adjourned at 7:26pm
Posted in Meeting Minutes by p.halpin with no comments yet.
Board Meeting minutes 08-04-2009
AUGUST 4, 2009
Meeting was called to order at 7:05 pm at the beach by Vice President Mike Martin. Board Members present were Pat Halpin, Christina Pierce and Scott Tweed.
Roll call of Board Members took place.
Secretary’s Report: Minutes of the July 14, 2009 Special Meeting were handed out, read and accepted.
Treasurer’s Report: Checking Account Balance is $2,880.56. Saving Account Balance is $4,176.31. CD Balance is $14,884.01.
Tax Collector’s Report: Charlie Brown has resigned Christina Pierce is taking over.
New Business: Discussion on transfer of roads to the Town of Coventry.
The Town of Coventry will be receiving Federal Stimulus Money in the 2010-2011.
They will be resurfacing the town owned roads in Waterfront Manor and Lakeview Terrace with this. Lakeview Terrace roads that should be ready to turn over to the town will be Hilltop, Juniper, Hickory and Maple.
Gary Klambt present a Motion to amend Section 11 of our By-Laws dated July 11, 1993.
Which states: “That the transfer, sale, lease, purchase, or conveyance of real property owned by Lakeview Terrace Association be handled/voted on as follows:
1) All members must be notified in writing of pending action.
2) Approval will require 75% (seventy five percent)of all voting members.
3) All transactions will be open for public bid.
4) This section can not be changed or altered without approval of 75% (seventy five percent) of all voting members.
Signed by: Brian Coss-President Darlene Rich-Secretary Posted 7/11/93”
Pat Halpin stated she would contact the Secretary of States office to see if this was filed.
Walt Surko stated that he was against the association turning over Lakeshore Drive per our deed for the beach which begins at the foot of Maple, Hickory, Lakeview and Juniper.
Old Business: Fred Halpin went to the Coventry Police Dept regarding the parking situation on Lakeshore Dr. was told to post No Parking Signs. We voted to spend up to $300.00 for the signs.
Craig Couture had an incidents with a group of kids on the boat launch on 8/3/09 the Police were called.
We are dismantling the firepit on 8/22/09.
Our next meeting will be 9/1/09 at 6:30pm.
Meeting was adjourned at 8:09 pm.
Posted in Meeting Minutes by p.halpin with no comments yet.
Board Meeting minutes 07-14-2009
JULY 14, 2009
Special Meeting of July 7, 2009 was postponed to due rain, until July 14, 2009.
Meeting was called to order at 7:06 pm at the beach by President Ray Chicoine Board Members present were Pat Halpin, Mike Martin, Christina Pierce and Scott Tweed.
Roll Call of Board Members took place.
Secretary’s Report: Minutes of the June 2, 2009 Board Meeting were handed out, read and accepted.
Treasurer’s Report: Balance in Checking .Account as of 7/7/07: 2,391.08, Savings Account: 4,175.43, CD’s 14,878.96
Tax Collector: No Report
New Business: This Meeting was called for the discussion and association vote on the sale of the paper roads
The paper roads are Birch Tr. which runs from South Street to the beach, and paper roads that run from Juniper Dr. to Birch Tr. (6). The corner of Birch Tr. and Lakeshore Dr. at the beach would not be sold.
Ray Chicoine has met with Attorney Rappe and the attorney stated that if the paper roads were sold per our By-Laws any association member would still have the rite of passage on them.
Gary Klambt stated he has a tape recording that in the 1990’s at a Board Meeting that the roads could not be sold unless 75 % of the property owners were present. Ray Chicoine has asked for a copy of this tape.
Discussion ensued. It was decided to take a Straw vote on the sale.
20 No Votes, 9 Yes Votes and 1 Abstention
Mary Elsemore proposed that the board spend no more time on the paper roads.
Other New Business: Derrick Pierce Security Chairperson has proposed new beach passes to hang on the rearview mirror for next year.
Old Business:
Jay Gyngell stated that there is still a drainage issue on Crestwood Dr.
We need 2 easements 1 on Laurel between Hickory & Maple the other on Juniper at Groveland.
Meeting was adjourned at 8:13 pm.
Posted in Meeting Minutes by p.halpin with no comments yet.
Board Meeting minutes 06-02-2009
JUNE 2, 2009
Meeting was called to order at the beach at 7:04 pm by President Ray Chicoine. Members present were: Andrea Bagnall, Pat Halpin, Christina Pierce, Scott Tweed and Charlie Brown-Tax Collector.
Roll call of Board members took place.
Secretary’s Report: Minutes of the May 3, 2009 Annual Meeting were handed out, read and accepted.
Treasurer’s Report: Balance in the Checking Account: $4,890.81, Savings Account: $4174.58 CD’s $14,870.71
Tax Collector’s Report: Have collected $114.78 2008-2009 Taxes and $842.96 2009-2010 taxes.
Old Business:
Mike and Kevin Martin’s Road Purchase: Ray Chicoine has met with Atty. Rappe, it would be legal for the Martins’ to purchase the paper road Birch Tr. that is adjacent to 196 Juniper Dr. and Lot #4. However the Board of Directors would not make that decision, a special meeting would be called and all property owners would vote on it.
The Martins’ would not purchase the corner of the paper roads Lakeshore Dr and Birch Tr.
Road Turnover Update: We need an easement for property on the upside of Laurel between Hickory and Maple. This will require an “under” drain on Laurel. Peter Henry is a surveyor who is going to survey the property that we need easements for. We need this easement to allow us to work on private property and allow the town to maintain the drain. This is one requirement to turn over the road on Laurel. Cost for the survey will be $450.00 and for the attorney to draw up the paperwork $400.00 for a total of $850.00.
Other Old Business: Jay Gyngell of 16 Crestwood Dr. presented a letter and pictures of a drainage issue at the end of Crestwood Dr. Allison Kane 6 Juniper at the corner of Hilltop and Juniper asked Ray Chicoine if rocks on her property needed to be moved, Ray will stop by on 6/6/09 to look at it.
New Business:
Beach Vandalism: On weekend on 5/9 and 5/10 the Dock, Rules Signs, Manhole Cover and a boat were vandalized the Coventry Police are labeling it as a hate crime. The police are watching the beach areas from the lake with night vision goggles.
Fire Pit needs to be cleaned out and disassembled so people will not throw trash into it.
The dock need to be move away from the jetty. This will take place on Sunday 6/7/09 at 10 am
Meeting was adjourned at 7:55 pm
Next meeting will be 7/7 at 7:00 pm at the beach.
Posted in Meeting Minutes by p.halpin with no comments yet.
Annual Meeting minutes 05-03-2009
MAY 3, 2009
Meeting was called to order at the Coventry Town Hall at 2:05 pm by President Ray Chicoine. Board Members present were: Andrea Bagnall, Pat Halpin, Mike Martin, Scott Tweed and Charlie Brown-Tax Collector.
Roll call of Board Members took place
Treasurer’s Report: Checking Account Balance: $5,624.64, Savings Account Balance: $4,172.85, CD Balance: $14,809.82. Treasurer’s Report was accepted.
Secretary’s Report: Minutes of the May 4, 2008 annual meeting and the March 12, 2009 board meeting were handed out, read and accepted. We have won an appeal against our beach assessment from the Town of Coventry, the beach was assessed at $59,000, with taxes of $1,712.65 the new assessment will be approximately $4.000 with taxes of $170.00.
Tax Collector’s Report: Taxes Collected in 2008-2009 were $11, 646.01. Uncollected and properties lien on 4/30/09 were 1,303.75.
Proposed Budget for 2009-2010 was 12,875.00, which would be a mil rate of 1mil which would equal to $12,616.05. There was a surplus in 2008-2009 budget of 1,444.17 which we will roll into this yet budget to be used on the roads.
Old Business:
Roads: We have spent $4,654.10 on the roads and the Town of Coventry has reimbursed us 1,560.98. We are hoping to turn Laurel, Juniper and Hickory over to the Town of Coventry in July. Work still need to be done on Crestwood, Hilltop and Laurel. There is still a drainage issue at the end of Crestwood.
Docks: They were installed at the wrong place. The dock was proposed to be placed near the boat launch, so people could use it while launching their boats not at the jetty where people swim.
New Business:
Barrier Repair at the end of Hickory and Lakeview. Ray Chicoine is going to contact the Public Works Dept and ask them to repair them with the poles the association has.
Paper Roads: Mike and Kevin Martin have proposed to the association to buy a portion of the paper roads, Birch Dr and Ferndale Rd abutting their property at 196 Juniper Dr. and Lot 4. Discussion took place and an attorney will be consulted. This can not happen unless a special meeting is called for all property owners in the association.
An association member proposed having the property at the end of Juniper on Lakeshore Dr. be cleared so members could use that area and have easier assess to the boats.
Election of Officers: Mike Martin and Scott Tweed have been re-elected. Derrick Pierce was elected to fill Herb Andersons position.
Beach Clean Up: Will Be Saturday May 16 at 10 am.
Meeting was adjourned at 3:45 pm.
Following the Lakeview Terrace Association annual meeting, at the officers meeting Derrick Pierce stepped down so Christina Pierce could become Treasurer. Andrea Bagnall will remain as a Board Member.
Posted in Meeting Minutes by p.halpin with no comments yet.
Board Meeting minutes 09-08-2008
Meeting was called to order at the beach at 6:35 pm by President Sean Butler. Board members present were Herb Anderson, Ray Chicoine, Pat Halpin and Scott Tweed.
Roll Call of Board Members took place.
Secretary’s Report: Minutes of the August 4, 2008 Monthly Meeting was handed out, read and accepted.
Treasurer’s Report: Checking Account balance $2,294.00, Savings Account balance $4,163.38, CD balance $14,607.92
Tax Collector’s Report: None
Audience Forum: Barbara Moraitis, 146 Maple Dr. Driveway is washed out.
Old Business:
1) Road Transfer Update: Drain on Laurel, ditch between Martin and Chicoine property, and the end of Crestwood Dr. needs to be addressed.
2) Paper Road Committee: Ray Chicoine, Mike Martin, Ron Nadeau, and Derrick Pierce met on 8/8/08. In order to turn over the paper roads no property can be land locked, abutting property owners would be contacted and asked if they wish to purchase half the paper road at fair market value..
3) Docks: They have arrived and are in Sean Butler’s yard.
4) Beach Sand: Derrick Pierce is pricing it.
5) Line Painting on Anderson Way Mike Martin and Sean Butler are getting to it.
6) Tree Removal on Maple Dr adjacent to Mazzone Property has been done along the branches on Juniper Dr for $2,280.00.
7) Road signs Ray is going to take picture of existing signs and e-mail to Chip McDonald.
New Business:
1) Deadline for 2008 taxes is 9/30/08.
2) Picnic Table and Buoys removal will be Wednesday 9/17 at 5:30 pm
3) Road Repairs on washouts on Maple Dr and Anderson Way Ray Chicoine will contact Tim Webb at the Town Garage.
Other Committees:
Security Committee will meet on Monday 9/22 on the beach @6:30 pm.
Next meeting will be Monday 11/10/08 at 7:00 pm at the Coventry Town Hall
Meeting Adjourned at 7:24pm.
Posted in Meeting Minutes by p.halpin with no comments yet.